Getting it right for that first apartment

My dear wife Karen came away from our visit to the kids’ first apartment together with the perfect idea for a gift. We’d used artisan Kym to create a nice wall hanging for A Bitty Better, and my wonderful daughter Elisabeth and her sensational significant George Three had expressed their admiration for the result. And…

A pleasant surprise from many miles away

It wasn’t the usual piece of mail I get in my box at my workplace, the Liverpool Public Library. The envelope was addressed to me, and it declared that it came from across the miles. Inside was a Christmas card, bookmark and beautiful message. The sender was a fellow blogger. New Bloggy Cat, also known…

Ellie B shows excitement about the present

The 5-year-old was excited on our first Christmas morning at A Bitty Better. Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle had her nose in everything. She had plenty of presents to open, thanks to my dear wife Karen, who seemed to not pass up anything that she thought our cherished rescue mutt might like in this first…

Easily seen as they’re pulling the sleigh

The things I learn while working at the Liverpool Public Library. This month, my photography tasks allowed me to discover Magic Reindeer Food. We make it. Then we sell it at the circulation desk, for the bargain price of 50 cents per bag. Allow me to quote the terrific sign, designed by my boss Diane…

Oh, happy day

Elisabeth and George Three figured out the perfect way to keep Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle from acting like a lap dog upon their arrival at the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood. They handed over her Christmas present. Peace on earth for the rest of us that Christmas Eve visit as…

A dress-up party at the Landmark feels right

We skipped my dear wife Karen’s office party last year. For some reason. Saturday night we put on the nice clothes, drove the 3 1/2 miles downtown from the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood, and mixed and mingled with her co-workers from the Syracuse Media Group in the beautifully restored Landmark…

A little holiday light on the Little Bitty

I came home from work one night and the lights caught my eye right away. Good Neighbor Tim and his Wonderful Wife Lorraine had chosen to decorate a nice bush toward our side of their house for his holiday season. A multi-colored string of lights provided the festive touch. I liked it. Very much. And…

Yes, Santa did

My dear wife Karen outdid herself this year. From the grandest gift to the simplest gift, she knows how to make everybody in the house happy. I think so. Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle thinks so. Daughter Elisabeth and boyfriend George thought so as we enjoyed family time for Christmas Eve last night. Son Daryl…