Badges for Nano Poblano 2015

Are you ready for some Nano Poblano action, Peppers? Below are your badges for this year’s November action, hot from the mind of your good friend Fish of Gold. She’s come up with two versions this year for your graphic pleasure. Grab them from here and use them where you’d like on your blog. I…

It’s been something, Nano Poblano

As I sat type-type-typing away on my recliner this Sunday morning, my dear wife Karen looked over from the couch and said, “Is this the last day of Nano Poblano?” No tone. Straightforward question. Yes, dear, said I. She had me. Yes, I was indeed going up my email notifications, last night to right now,…

Keep your head high and your eyes wide

Snow kisses my backyard in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood as we stir on this Thanksgiving morn. It covers the ground and the shed, and hangs on the boughs of those towering pines in the neighbor’s house behind. Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle welcomes the sight and the feel of it. She’s ready for…