Advent Beers, Part III

Here’s the third batch of the beers I enjoyed one per night from my terrific daughter Elisabeth and George’s Advent Christmas present. Happy New Year’s Event. I hope everybody is staying safe and well as we ring in the end of this 2020 and prepare to welcome in 2021.

Just add kids

The children’s playground across the road is ready for kids. I notice the bus picking the little ones up at the end of their long weekday of daycare, and I am happy about that.

Advent beers part two

I didn’t want to show you all 25 of my Christmas Advent beers at once. Here’s the second grouping of the variety that I opened one package a morning and drank one beer each evening, starting Dec. 1. Thanks to the selection of my terrific daughter Elisabeth, this was.

Frosty day

They’re looking good in the Village of Liverpool. That made me feel fairly frosty during a recent safe stroll during a work break at my library job.

Holiday cheers to all

My terrific daughter Elisabeth and sensational significant George Three hauled to me a gift this year with instructions to unwrap one per day starting Dec. 1. My advent beers have been magnificent, carefully chosen by Elisabeth, a different brew every dang day. I have opened one every morning and savored the elixir each evening. Thank…

Tree and more

Thanks to our new neighbors to the left, a different sight has settled in beyond the border fence as we settle into winter. Next to the big tree is now … yes … that is a food truck, we believe, parked snugly in the backyard. Come spring maybe we shall spy it out on the…

What the dog sees

Our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle must go outside in the backyard to meet the early morning no matter the season’s conditions. It could be worse, I can practically hear her think.