Take a ride over to Cordelia’s Mom Still to enjoy Paul Curran’s work again

My friend Cordelia’s Mom Still was spurred to rerun a column by our cherished guest blogger Paul Curran, the prolific WordPress presence who managed to nourish our souls from various host platforms before he left our world in October 2016. I marveled again at his wisdom as I read, then I shook my head and…

Am I interesting times seven?

Emily of Author’s Canvas nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award. I’ve had the No Awards, Thank You sign up around these parts for a while now. Five years blogging and counting, there came a time when I’d had enough and wished for the awards to go elsewhere. But because Emily is new in BloggyVille…

A special package from halfway across the world

A special package was stuck into my mailbox at the library this festive month of December. For the second year in a row, my blogging friend from a whole other hemisphere put me on her holiday list. An array of gifts were inside for myself, my dear wife Karen and Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle.…

Now the iPad Pro keyboard is getting balky …

Oh, how I thought I had the perfect setup. This iPad Pro and its Apple keyboard seemed made for each other. Out of the box from the Apple store they’d come. Snap! Together they went with that magnetic pull. Tap, tap, tap went my fingers. But now, in the next calendar year and several IOS…

I can help figure things out, Dooley noted

The question came from my Syracuse-area blogging friend Ermine. She wanted to change things around on her too-dormant WordPress site. She didn’t want to change the whole domain and lose the followers she’d built. Could I help? I’ve made enough alterations here since starting markbialczak.com in February 2013 that I agreed. So she came over…

The real payoff: Meeting Beth in person

I feel as if I’ve known Beth from I Didn’t Have My Glasses On forever. She’s been my friend in BloggyVille forever, one of the first people I met on WordPress, a writer of special note, a photographer of fine image, a person of great wit, a person fun and smart and easy to be…

My swing at the 6-word challenge is borderline

I was scrolling through my Twitter feed the other day, and a six-word challenge from writer.ly hit me over the head like a two-by-four. I had to take a crack at the topic: Crossing the border. Because something non-fiction came to my mind. Not the type of border crossing that most people would think of…