They didn’t get any better than The Nice Guys in 2016

I sat and pondered with the list of first-run and Blu-Ray/DVDs I’d watched these past 12 months, thinking about the effect they’d had on me in the theater or on the flat screen. Yes, there was good work in front of my eyes once a week, drama, comedy, all sorts of genres in the nooks…

Wearing the flag and name proudly

My dear wife Karen and I are trying the restaurants around A Bitty Better in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville slowly but surely. A recent weekend search for a good breakfast led us down Old Liverpool Road, just short of the railroad tracks, to the American Diner. The owners are proud of their love for…

Piling on

Who knows how long the melt will last. The weather folks say lake effect may move back to the Syracuse area as soon as Thursday night. So I had to point the iPhone 6s toward the backyard of A Bitty Better in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville. A two-day warm up had melted every bit…

Ellie B shows excitement about the present

The 5-year-old was excited on our first Christmas morning at A Bitty Better. Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle had her nose in everything. She had plenty of presents to open, thanks to my dear wife Karen, who seemed to not pass up anything that she thought our cherished rescue mutt might like in this first…

Santas from Around the World shout out Merry Christmas

The nine Santas from Around the World have been greeting patrons at the Liverpool Public Library for almost a month now. They are a proud bunch up there on our DVD/Blu-Ray shelves, with the Wise Men and camel watching over them as well. And today’s the day to show them together. Merry Christmas to all.…

I can still see your boat

While walking with Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle around our Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville, I noticed a boat put away for the winter. My cherished rescue dog and I both greatly admired the camo tarp used for weather protection. Yet we saw the boat. Easily. Plainly. Obviously. Ellie B wanted to get closer, even, but…

A smoky lake view

The tiny slice of “lake view” we get on our street in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville figures to be constantly changing. I think it will be different, depending upon many factors. What’s up with Onondaga Lake that day? The weather? And, as I discovered on a morning, the doings on the far shore factor…

On to a small brace for my dear wife Karen

Good news came again at the last checkup for my dear wife Karen. The recovery from her fractured wrist continues with the implementation of a truly portable brace. Her doctor says this latest version only needs to be worn when she travels out of A Bitty Better here in the Galeville neighborhood of Liverpool. So…