Ellie matches us

Our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle was quite thrilled with the gift we brought home from the fall food truck rally. You bet she realizes that her new collar matches the tie-dye T-shirts often worn by my dear wife Karen and I.

Doggie savings time

The clock change for spring fits cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle just fine. She chooses to stay outside on her side alcove futon way after dinner time. In the daylight. No need to call her in.

Can’t hide from me

Sometimes our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle thinks her hidey-hole between the backyard bushes render her totally invisible from the prying eye of my iPhone 8. Ha!

Of course they sold other stuff

The Food Truck Battle included artisans selling their products inside a state fairgrounds building. We decided on a bow for cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle. Upon return home, we saw she wears it well.

Found: one more Cape Cod dad and dog photo

My dear wife Karen sent me a text and a photo. She’d found a great picture she’d taken of our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle and I when the three of us were walking the beach of Cape Cod a few weeks back. Yes, it is quite a beautiful moment.

Give Ellie B her toys, floor space … and the beach

So the week following Memorial Day didn’t turn out to be great beach weather for our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle. No worries. She was happy to make the trip, to be with us, the kids, her toys … Wait. Toward the end our our 10 days, the weather turned very warm…

The dog and her squirrels

The dog is real. The baby squirrels are toys. My dear wife Karen orders the little stuffier to replenish our cherished rescue mutt’s supply every few months or so. They don’t last that long with her attention. At this moment, however, she is contemplating a blueberry.

Take it easy, cherished rescue mutt

I have noticed that even our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle has appeared a bit out of sorts at times during the pandemic. My initial thought was that she would love more company with our schedules changing. But, not all the time. She frets with us, I find, keeping her finely tuned…