Embracing golf in Georgia

Teeing off comfortably in April. When I climbed into KP’s car at the Atlanta airport and we’d exchanged our initial HowTheHeckAreYa’s, he confirmed what he’d texted me before I started my journey from Central New York. We had a tee time scheduled at one of the three courses he calls home base, set up in…

There’s a gem down there at Vesper Hills

Why would KP and Tater have me go to the end of the world and take a right to join them for our first round of golf together this season? Ah, Vesper Hills. OK, so it really took me just a bit more than a half-hour south on 81 from Liverpool and then east toward…

On top of the world for Father’s Day

We decided to put in our Father’s Day golf round early this year. I even got to wear a new shirt, courtesy of my fantastic daughter Elisabeth and terrific significant George Three. It put me in the mood for a big day one week before the holiday proper. I decided upon Burnet Park, a City…

At last the Little League That Could Gets Its Start

Finally a Tuesday evening arrived without rain and a course too wet to accept our feet. Off the Little League That Could went to Northern Pines in Cicero to star the 2010 season one week ago. We are six members strong, all of us friends for many years. Decades, even. The format is as easy…

Getting the winter out of the golf system

KP and I did not want to wait until our golf league started to get out and swing our clubs this year. Last year that was pretty frustrating. The first-time participation in the Foxfire Tuesday night nine-holder and our first round of the season together both took place in May. Too late. For the mind.…

Full moon over Foxfire

Our Tuesday night golf league at Foxfire sure has given KP and I great views after we come out of the pub from our post-round relaxation. Last week out in Baldwinsville I noticed the loveliest moon back out over the course. It looked so good I had to use my iPhone 8 to capture it…

A startling sight as the sun goes down

As KP and I walked out of the Foxfire restaurant following our Tuesday night golf league’s nine holes, a beer or two and 10 boneless wings, I noticed something on the way to the parking lot that stopped me in my tracks. The trees appeared to be half-changing toward a deep, rich color that’s usually…

Two days in a row on the course, thank you

Tuesday was sunny and warm, so we stood by the first tee of Timber Banks ready to play spring golf in Central New York again. Never before had we started our golf season off with two rounds on consecutive days, I thought as KP and I prepared to hit our first shots on the Jack…

Finally, golf weather

I thought it would never get here this spring of 2018. Yet at last a blue sky and temperatures above 50 degrees arrived. And on the Monday of my staycation week, no less. KP and I were ready, with tee times set up at Foxfire. Yes, they said, the course is dry enough for the…