Free Advice — Damn copycat or thanks for the flattery!

Free Advice is a periodic feature in which I answer letters sent to me at This question comes directly from BloggyVille, and it has the blog’s name attached. In fact, the question hits close to home because it’s about somebody stealing swiping borrowing copying recently starting a format that greatly resonates with a fellow…

Free Advice: How smart is smart?

Free Advice is a periodic feature in which I answer anonymous letters sent to Today’s reader asks for my opinion about the relationship between academic degrees and everyday intelligence. At least that’s how I interpret it. Dear Mark, I went to a very good college and have a high IQ, according to standardized tests.…

When’s a flirt not a flirt? — Confused

Free Advice is a periodic feature. Send questions to Anonymity is assured. My qualifications: 57 years of open eyes and ears but no stalking charges. One dear wife Karen, one terrific daughter Elisabeth and her wonderful boyfriend George, one sensational stepson Daryl, one pet Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle and various other family members…