It sure was sweet

To our lovely. Cheers to the 2024 flowering cycle of our front yard dogwood. The delicate blooms delighted us thoroughly this spring.

Enjoying the wine and scene

First from the entrance. My dear wife Karen and I had a fine time Saturday afternoon circling the Regional Market’s Shed F for the Syracuse Wine Festival. We appreciated our pours from each table from the amiable representatives from Central New York wineries. So much to discover. Karen tended toward more fruity choices. I picked…

Tidying up

Brush collected. Upon exiting my stroll through Onondaga Lake Park via another lane, I noticed the remains of a major sweep up on the street.

Get in line

Right time and place. Down come the leaves in time for Lights on the Lake in Onondaga Lake Park, retired-guy-I notes on a photo-taking binge. Calming. Oh, I do miss the frequent doses of symmetry when I visited for tranquility on my library work breaks.

What standard?

Can’t stop change. When I worked in this building back in the day, it used to house the newsroom and printing press of The Post-Standard. There were no windows there. The sign on the other side of the surface carried the hyphen and second word. Ah, progress, they say.

Hello, Donnie!

Man of honor, front right. When a great friend moves away, the very best thing is they want to come back to visit. Donnie counts the gang from the big daily as his crew. When he bounced back from Nashville recently, Nolan set up a welcoming bash and Chelsea’s. Yes, this big group of us…

Still bright

Smiling, still. The mid-summer run to Ballantyne Gardens that brought home these colorful daisies surely was a good buy for my dear wife Karen and I. Long-lasting, yes.