End of this loop

Long and winding trail. Theoretically, I could start at the visitor’s center much closer to my dear wife Karen and I’s house and walk my way on our side of the shore of Onondaga Lake all the way to here. Actually, I’ve jumped in my car and parked in three different parking lots as I’ve…

Cool boats

Interesting crafts. These babies are docked and ready for people to board way down on the west end of Onondaga Lake Park.

That’s a boathouse

Ready for rowers. On a warm day recently, I decided to take a stroll on the extreme west end of Onondaga Lake Park, a stretch I visit least frequently of the big trail next to our local lake. This segment sits next to the boathouse set up by Syracuse University for the use of its…

Everybody walk

A fit day to be out for people and critters. The sun and warmth brought out walkers, two legs and four. The squirrel at right decided the path to the lake was more fitting at this moment than all those leafless trees.

Just in case

Not yet. Should the nice-day striders and cyclists need a break, relaxation awaits along the Onondaga Lake paths.

No stopping, no how

Turn of my path. On a recent stroll through the Village of Liverpool on yet another beautiful March morning, I decided to take a different entrance than usual into Onondaga Lake Park. That stop sign could use a red-paint touch-up, thought I.