Putting my Lowe’s lessons to use at A Bitty Better

I was up to my eyeballs in empty boxes daily at the store. When you work in the paint department of Lowe’s, you better get good at breaking down cardboard after you take the product out of those boxes and put it up on the shelves for quick purchase or really high up on the…

Giving A Bitty Better the special (window) treatment

My dear wife Karen and I couldn’t live for a whole week in A Bitty Better in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville leaving certain windows bare, now, could we? Hey, now, the ones up front were covered quickly with sheets. Modest, we are. But the first full weekend after moving from The Little Bitty, we…

A first walk around Galeville in a fine fall

The rain stopped enough last weekend for my dear wife Karen and I to fulfill our promise to Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle to put on the leash and take our first loop around the block since moving into the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville. I’ve noticed on my drives that one of the nearby streets…

First things up on the walls are …

The DiecTV folks were able to make it to A Bitty Better in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville on the Monday we moved in. So we had a dish on the corner of the roof because no unobstructed sight lines to the bird in the sky were available in the backyard. And we had our…

That first treat at A Bitty Better

Amid all of that packing to get ready for the move to A Bitty Better in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville, my dear wife Karen and I allowed ourselves one side trip for an indulgence. We visited Raymour and Flanagan on the busy Saturday to look for new living room chairs, our one furniture indulgence…

Working hard to get it exactly right

Kimberly Schad will throw a big party Friday night in Syracuse, at The Palace Theater on James Street, where everybody can come and appreciate her performing her music for free. It’s a release celebration for her EP, The Mystic Kingdom. Schad started recording an album five years ago, and didn’t like the final result. She…

Another hot bowling Sunday

We rolled our second Sunday special session last week. This time, I arrived for the 10 a.m. start slightly sleepy-eyed after working the closing shift at my new job. My practice rolling at Bowling Green in North Syracuse did not go well, as I felt like an old man pleading with his joints to loosen…

Mister Met, lost and found

I noticed it with a feeling. Mister Met was calling me from afar, the little guy from the front of my blue baseball cap, the one my dear wife Karen bought for me on our trip this season to watch our favorite team play at Citi Field. And sure enough, my latest favorite hat was…