Digging the fall colors around Galeville

I’ve been able to let Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle walk me around the blocks surrounding A Bitty Better in the Liverpool neighborhood of Galeville almost every day since we moved in.

It’s a colorful place this time of year. For a day or two, at least. I can’t leave my iPhone 6 in my pocket. Ba-da-boom.

Orange red.

Orange red.

We’ve seen a lot of oranges and reds.

A dog's view.

A dog’s view.

There’s been some whites and yellows.

Hanging in.

Hanging in.

There’s even been some green. Still.

I’m of a mind that soon it will all be brown. And down. Covered by white soon enough. Lake effect! No, Onondaga Lake doesn’t produce lake effect snow, supposedly. Yet I’ve been scraping frost off the windshields several mornings straight …

What colors are dominant in your neighborhood? Has it snowed where you live? What kind of season are you predicting?

18 thoughts on “Digging the fall colors around Galeville

  1. Things are pretty brown here in the Mohawk Valley with the occasional splash of color here and there, which I treasure. Then again, I love the look of a bare tree against the sky. It’s damn cold today, but one must deal with these things. Nice pictures.


  2. Good Saturday Morning Mark. Your post reminds me to get over IT (election) and get outside over the weekend. Currently, it is the night sky that is showing off so amazing here. All my best to you, Mark🍁


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