neither rain nor hurricane nor turtles, can stop the wolverines.

As I feared, it wasn’t much of a game. Beth’s Michigan stomped my Maryland at Byrd Stadium.

This will not be a good second season in the Big Ten for my alma mater. Too many interceptions thrown and passes dropped.

And this Saturday my Maryland faces defending national champ Ohio State. Oy.

Take it away, Beth … My loser’s photo is just a click away.

Source: neither rain nor hurricane nor turtles, can stop the wolverines.

67 thoughts on “neither rain nor hurricane nor turtles, can stop the wolverines.

  1. Love that photo. Mind if I post it on my sites? I could even reopen some of the older ones just for this! Thinking about having a poster made. So sorry bro Mark, it’s that family humor popping to the surface, so since you are adopted into the family now, well, you get the bad along with the good. This is just too precious.


  2. Mark, you standing there in a Maryland shirt shows good humor and excellent sportsmanship! I would expect no less from a man who is an extra nice man. What did Karen think? Did she take the picture? I cannot help smiling at your picture. Hope next year some other wagers are placed. Keeps us paying attention and you two on your toes.


    • Yes, I set up the circumstance and Karen took the photo, Robin. I don’t mind paying off my side. Beth was so gracious when my team won. I’m glad you like my Maryland shirt pose, my friend.


  3. I don’t pay much attention to sports but I did go to Northwestern, back when the Big 10 had 10 schools in it and one of the big goals was to get in the Rose Bowl. And I’ve been scratching my head as I read your posts, over why Maryland keeps playing all these Big 10 schools. So thanks for bringing me into the 21st century. Finally looked it up and found out there are 14 schools in the Big 10 now. Who knew? Well, not me. Cause you’d have to actually pay attention… I struggled over figuring out why no Big 10 team was in the Rose Bowl last year too… (which I only knew about because I watch the parade) 🙂
    Anyway, sorry your team got beat.


  4. Great photo – but not a good score for your team 😦 We are in mourning about the rugby world cup. A complete disaster for England.


      • We were shouting at the TV so much that we didn’t hear the thief who stole our cars number plates from right outside the house on the drive!! I’ve missed you over at my blog – is that a good sign that freelance work is keeping you busy? Hope so 🙂


      • I can’t believe a thief took your plates during the big game, Rachel. And I owe you a trip over to Could Do Worse. Not busy enough to no skip my friends, ever. I am attempting to straighthen out my BloggyVille morass.


      • I’m glad we didn’t catch them taking them. Bloggyville can certainly become a morass. Visit when you can – I do not take offence at your absence 🙂


  5. Tough loss buddy,but Michigan is always tough. I do not like Michigan. Good Luck with OSU. Last weeks outing with my Hoosiers ended the way most folks thought. However the way they lost. A bad snap from center!? Could make a grown man cry.


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