Third round of Advent beers includes a change-up

Add a seltzer for Karen.

On round three of our Advent Beers 2021, Elisabeth and George added a curve.

Day nine of 24 had different beverages for myself and my dear wife Karen.

I thoroughly enjoyed the OK Beer, as they self-slogan Polish beer Okocim. My terrific daughter and George know Karen isn’t much one for Polish beers of any brand, so they picked Fruit Smash seltzer for her that day instead. Both of must sampled happily.

Samuel Adams Holiday Porter started the third four-day segment off strongly, and Boulevard Stuff of Legend ended it with a wallop. This Limited Edition is 13 percent. Knocked me off my recliner when I sniffed it!

Big Wave from Kona brought us joyfully back to our Hawaii trip, the four of us for the Family Reunion. Mahalo!

17 thoughts on “Third round of Advent beers includes a change-up

  1. December with its cooler weather always seems to be like a time for porters and stouts and other heavy beers, but then I sometimes have a stout in the summer too, and the occasional lager or ale in the winter, so it’s all about what you like. And, good heavens, that Boulevard brew does sound legendary.


    • I would say all beers all the time, Christopher, but my tastes were never so wide until the kids decided it was time to try this sampling route at Christmas time. Usually I stick with the lighter side of the beer world no matter the season. That Boulevard, wow. I think I can still taste it on my tongue!


  2. I like 6-7%, so 13 is steep. You only need one, no? I think folks choose beers like I judge books by covers, and these labels are doing a good job of being colorful and artsy and engaging.


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