Whaddya know, the sky is falling

The news folks like to talk about snow in Syracuse, N.Y.

How much are we going to get?

How much have we gotten?

How much of this have I heard since I moved here in August of 1983?


After all, Syracuse is the snowiest top 100 population city in the United States.

And so when the Lake Effect Machine that gives us so much off Ontario was set to crank up yesterday, the TV and radio gang got going good. After all, this has been our winter of green.

Expect the winter storm to hit the city and its environs from 7 to 7, they said.

When my shift at the store ended at 3 p.m., it already was snowing but not sticking in the suburb 15 miles northwest. When my dear wife arrived safely at 6 p.m. to the Little Bitty in the city neighborhood of Eastwood from her 3.5-mile drive from the SMG office downtown, the roads already were covered with an inch or so.

Between our cars at 7:30 a.m.

Between our cars at 7:30 a.m.

I awoke at 7 a.m. to a blanket of, oh, four-plus inches. The snow was still falling. The weather guy on TV was calling for the lake effect band to settle right over Syracuse for the rest of the morning and afternoon, in fact, giving us another foot of white stuff.

The good news: I’m working the closing shift today, reporting at 3:30 p.m.

Hover over either gallery photo for a description. Click on either photo for an enlarged slide show.

I had plenty of time to clear both our cars and dig the whole driveway out before Karen had to depart to arrive at SMG by 9 a.m.

The bad news: That weather report will likely call for another shoveling session before I depart. The lake effect snow during my 15-mile drive there in my Chevy Cruze will influence me to avoid my usual highway route, which is wide open and famous for its blinding, blowing conditions during that sort of weather. So far this winter, it’s snowed hard once during my drive, a return trip after closing one night, and my backup route with traffic lights took twice the usual time. I’ll leave myself at least an hour to be sure. And I’ll fret the rest of this day about my drive during heavy snow conditions even on those roads.

Will I be able to see? Will my all-season radials that the mechanic gave the thumbs-up to for tread after I specifically asked grip the road? Will somebody else spin into me?

That’s why the Syracuse weather folks talk so much about snow.

What conditions worry you the most when driving? How far do you have to drive to work? Do you change the route you take according to conditions, and if so, what are they?

72 thoughts on “Whaddya know, the sky is falling

  1. our delayed winter is arriving here as well, mark. i’m a commuter, so it does figure into my day. i carpool when possible so it’s especially great to share the ride with someone when the conditions are more challenging. i don’t mind snow, just not an ice fan. and of course, always hope for snow day at school! glad you don’t have to travel far to work !


  2. We have snow, maybe 5-7 inches? I dunno, not too much. It froze and so it’s the crunchy sorta how-high-is-it-really? kinda snow, lol! Sadie weighs 40 pounds so we do not get to walk ON the same snows, lol! I can’t complain, I love it.
    This hasn’t been bad for me driving, but there have been some sliding accidents around here, mostly into snowbanks, so ‘soft’ impact, and mostly, kids who haven’t driven long, or in snow before.
    I have to meander around to avoid a very icy left hand turn. I don’t mind. 🙂


  3. Mark, in Canada we scoff at all-season tires. In some provinces it is even the law to put snow or ice tires on in the winter and if you’re in an accident and don’t have the proper tires your insurance won’t cover it. Do you guys have snow/ice tires that you can purchase there? Whatever the case, I applaud your taking the longer but safer route. Stay safe my friend! ❤
    Diana xo


  4. Brrr…. Brrrr…. I do not like to drive in the snow. I grew up in the snow belt in Edinboro, Pa. So I know snow. I will change my route if it’s a safer route. I have done that many times.


  5. The snow is just beautiful . . . when you don’t have to get out in it 🙂 Here our biggest concern is usually flooding. And I will change my route sometimes to avoid high water areas. But the rare occasions of ice, and even more rarely of snow, are always quite interesting in these parts!!


  6. I worry about sliding MBM, me and the others. I may change my route depending on whether the roads are cleared. But I usually take the same route. Fortunately it’s a short drive. Unfortunately there are gazillion of drivers.


  7. Enjoying your pics of a foreign world. I’ve got my short sleeves on, ready to go for a sunny jog. I’ve never witnessed that much snow, so the white blanket seems dreamy and romantic to me. Also have never seen dirty snow, which must be icky as it melts. I’d be scared to drive in that, since most people are crazy drivers. Good luck!


  8. I know in L.A. there is a picture of constantly perfect weather but, the truth is, when it rains, it pours. Like torrential blinding rain and the city just isn’t equipped to handle it. My commute is about 13 miles (25 min on the freeway) and sometimes I feel like I risk my life to get here. I know what you mean. Good luck!


      • Yes, well, the difficult thing is that there are a couple of times during my commute when I have to cut across a couple of lanes rather quickly. That’s frightening, rain or not. I appreciate your sympathy.


  9. Horrible, horrible stuff, Mark. The idea of having to shovel again! Never, never, never, never, never…I sincerely hope never! So beautiful, and the air perfect and wonderful (when the air is still), but that stuff is COLD!

    You may remember that I am trying to figure out how to relocate (again), and may have to move where some of that four-letter word occasionally appears. NOOOoooooOOOOooooo!!!!


  10. People in the suburbs south of Buffalo have a couple of feet in the last few days – in fact, employees who live in those suburbs did not make it to work yesterday because of the weather. In my northern suburb, however, we still only have an inch or so – the same at my office in the city. However, I understand that the city and northern suburbs are supposed to be hit by a big storm tonight. We’ll just have to wait to see what tomorrow brings.


  11. Yes! It’s January…we have snow! The TV weather persons LOVE snow…its the best thing after a major earthquake, or hurricane. I do wish those folks would stay inside though…there is no sense in them standing out there in the freezing rain or falling snow or brick-baking sunshine. My favorite was one in which the crew was standing in a downtown intersection during a blizzard, bragging about how “nothing” could get through: no cars or trucks, no foot traffic. And during the “talk” there was a constant flow of police cars, other vehicles, and miscellaneous cars driving past the person with the microphone. Idiots! I don’t recall exactly if it was Cleveland or if I was in another city at the time. 🙂 Maybe Minneapolis, but they don’t get that giddy and excited over snow there!


  12. Well…you knew eventually it was coming in with a fury! Eck…Looks pretty from here-no thank you I’ll stay put in sunny Florida and deal with the snowbirds flocking (traffic was crazy this am while grocery shopping!) they’re here and arriving in droves my friend, all the seasonal residents after the Holidays and seasonal Canadians wanting refuge from the winter! Who can blame them?! They do keep Florida’s economy going. Stay snug and safe. PS we have had some heavy rains in the past that you can not see your hand in front of you, it is such an incredible downpour. For me, I find the nearest shopping center or business and pull off until it moves on! LOL safety first. Have a good day Terp! The Gatorette.


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