Sweet times in Hershey

Michelle, Carolyn, Kris and my dear wife Karen.

Michelle, Carolyn, Kris and my dear wife Karen.

My dear wife Karen and a few of her friends really missed their buddy Carolyn.

So they jumped in the Mazda and drove south from Syracuse, N.Y.

Carolyn headed north from the Washington, D.C., area.

Hershey, Pa., was a great destination for a weekend getaway, my wife reports. She texted from the restaurant of a three-course meal. And drinks.


I have bags of sugar-free chocolate from the big store — Reese’s, Peppermint Patties the nameplate bar — and a nice T-shirt to show as a prize for staying home at the Little Bitty with Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle.

Have you gone to the big park and store in Hershey, Pa., and if so, what was your favorite part of the experience? What’s your favorite Hershey’s candy? Have you ever tried sugar-free chocolate, and if so, what did you think of it?

51 thoughts on “Sweet times in Hershey

  1. You are not missing out on true chocolate flavor, Mark. The sugar alcohol (sorbitol, mannitol, or whichever one the chocolate uses) cause the chocolate to be “meltier” on your tongue, so that you get a better, more scrumptious chocolatey burst of flavor from it, and sooner, than those do who are eating regular chocolate.

    Since those sugars are frequently made from corn, which I react to as to gluten, SF chocolate is out for me. As is regular chocolate, which is not gluten-free. Nor is most chocolate labelled gluten-free. Either that, or it has undeclared corn in it… sigh.

    I remember how great Hershey smelled, and how frustrated we kids were that our parents would never even drive through the middle of town even though we drove right past it–literally looked at it–almost every year (we vacationed in the Poconos and visited Lancaster County for its Amish charm).


  2. Ah… a crazy girls weekend! We all need them, Mark! In Ireland we have something called Little Christmas in January, have you heard of it? It’s where the men of the household take over all the chores so the mother can have a rest after organising Christmas. Sadly it has declined to just a bunch of women having a night out… most men are working these days, so can’t mind the children etc but it’s a nice thought.


  3. I have, like 20 some years ago. Don’t hate me, but I’m not a big Hershey’s fan. But I tell ya, when it smells like chocolate everywhere, it does increase one’s appetite!


  4. I have never been to Hershey… but your wife has a beautiful smile!
    As for sugar free chocolate… hmmm… I just think that chocolate is so very good for the soul …and we should totally experience the flavor! so Sugar Free gets a no from me.
    Oh and chocolate with red wine… ooo la la!


  5. They look like they had such a great time. Drove through, or really by Hershey, but never stopped to do all the stuff. Never had sugar-free chocolate. I am a chocolate chip freak, so bag of chocolate chips is safe when I am around.


  6. Yes, Hershey, PA is a nice small town. Been through there and the chocolate factory, Hershey Park. Toured through Valley Forge, Philadelphia, Lancaster, isn’t their State slogan You have a friend in Pennsylvania-The Keystone State? Happy Holidays! Gatorette


  7. I went to Hershey’s many many years ago (think I was like 8) but still remember that the lamp posts had Hershey’s kisses on them, also that we went into a chocolate making factory, and that I got a really cool t-shirt with a silver glittery kiss on it that I never wanted to throw away. I hope your wife is having fun.
    By the way Mark, noticed you haven’t been around my blog much. I hate to force people to read and know poetry isn’t everybody’s thing but always thought of you as a friend so kind of wondering what’s up.


  8. I haven’t been there in quite a few years but I loved touring the chocolate factory but the smell of chocolate all around was the best. If I remember, the streetlights in town are in the shape of Hershey Kisses and the amusement park in town was pretty nice. Never tried sugar free, though I’ve wondered what it’s like.
    Nice place for a little reunion.


    • The Hershey folk are smart, I think, for latching onto that manufacturer and playing it for all its worth, George. If you got it, flaunt it!

      Sugar free can be quite good in this day in age. I’ve sampled all three varieties my dear wife Karen brought back from the Hershey Chocolate World, for instance, and I think they rate very highly. Of course, I’ve forbidden myself the real thing for so very long now because of health reasons, my taste buds are tricked out.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I live/grew up within an hour’s drive of Hershey. Know it well. Sweetest during the holiday season. But my favorite thing about the city, the drive through town…which always smells like melted chocolate !! ☺☺


  10. My brother-in-law and his family have lived in Hershey for many years, but we still have never done any of the tourist things there. I’m glad your wife and friends had a good time–and brought back some goodies for you!


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