Ellie B got the skunk shot right between the eyes

I relaxed for a moment too long after dusk fell last night, typing on the recliner my weekly film news blog that will be posted a bit later this morning on syracusenewtimes.com as my dear wife Karen relaxed with a bit of TV.

Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle came inside from out back at a fast trot and stopping by Karen next to the couch. Although we’d put the spotlight on the backyard, we’d left the porch screen door open.

The smell. The look. Poor Ellie B was drooling and her eyes were on fire.

That freaking skunk had scored a direct hit, most apparently right in our beloved rescue mutt’s face.

Appetite returned this morning for Ellie B.

Appetite returned this morning for Ellie B.

Oh, she’s OK this morning, back eating her dry dog food and ready for her routine.

Ellie B even allowed me to escort her to the backyard first thing this morning so she could take care of that doggie business.

The underside of our shed still looked secure. The Syracuse city skunk that’s haunting our neighborhood of Eastwood has not found its way back underneath. No, but it has been hanging outside our fence. We’ve heard it, and we’ve smelled its fainter blasts.

Apparently last night, because we let her outside too long, the dog went against the fence and upset the skunk. Retaliation most definitely was a big stream between the planks and onto our too curious dog.

We didn’t even hear a bark of warning. That’s what makes me think the skunk was not inside the yard.

The best concoction ever. (Getty Images)

The best concoction ever. (Getty Images)

We escorted Ellie B back out on the porch as gently as we could considering the situation and used the rest of our bottle of Nature’s Miracle bathing the front end of the dog.

I stayed out there with her, a bucket of cold water, and a wet rag as Karen went out to the market in search of more.

She couldn’t find any.

Later, I went on a late night run to two other places. None. I Googled this morning and found that it’s sold at Petsmart. We need more. The formula really works. We had enough to remove much of the stink from Ellie B.

But …

Our house smells like our skunked dog ran through it.

We smell like we helped our skunked dog.

We have detergents and cleaners and showers and soaps.

But …

Overnight, I don’t know how much my nose has become acclimated to the horror. What will the faces say when I walk into work an hour from now?

The victim is resting comfortably this morning.

The victim is resting comfortably this morning.

Here’s the link for the image of Nature’s Miracle.

Have you ever gone out in public thinking you smelled like skunk, and if so, what kind of reaction did you encounter? Have you ever not been aware of a personal situation, and had somebody tell you about it in public, and if so, what was it? Have you ever been sent home from work when you didn’t want to be, and if so, why?

62 thoughts on “Ellie B got the skunk shot right between the eyes

  1. Oh, no! Poor Ellie B! 😦 You know, they make stuff that repels cats from scratching your furniture… Perhaps they make a similar skunk repellent you can spray on your fence. Or maybe you can play cactus plants along your fence line so the dong and the skunk can’t get that close. Good luck!


  2. can’t say I ever got skunked (thank god) but for many years I worked with animals and there is nothing quite like the smell of skunk. I think even the poor doggy victims would agree! I did lay a shirt out the night before work once, and I didn’t realize it until later that my elderly cat decided to thank me for all my years of great care by peeing on it. When I got to work I kept smelling cat pee and it was me!!!! I was anti social and avoiding my co workers all day. LOL Very embarrasing moment, but as animal lovers we have to develop strong stomachs don’t we?


  3. This is NOT funny and I will NOT laugh. Until you say it’s okay. I feel so bad for Eliie B. What I MIGHT laugh at when you give permission is hearing how your day turned out at work when you walked in and if people avoided you all day……. I do hope Miss Ellie is completely better today.


    • Miss Ellie B is a lot better than Mister Mark, Colleen. She is herself. I can tell I have a slight aroma to me. I’m miserable that our house has au de skunk as the primary scent despite everything my dear wife Karen has done to combat it. Go ahead, you may chuckle. Laugh, maybe tomorrow.


      • Okay….no laughing. And I am sorry. It’s such a horrid smell. Some mornings I come out to head off to work and there it lingers, some poor pup or sap got it good and it lingers for every in the morning dew.


  4. Oh, I am so sorry for Ellie B! Mark, sorry for you and Karen, too! I am belated in letting you know that this is quite a shame! I have known this first hand, since my Toby was a puppy when he was stupid enough to roll around on dead fish, dead possum and dead skunk (once, Thank God!) Tomato juice worked a little but I am sure we were not able to afford another kind of solution. We also tried vinegar and shampoo! Sprayed him a bit with room freshener, too! Ha ha!


    • The concoction works great, but we ran out and I have to go to Petsmart after work today to get some. Last night was my bowling league and I have not been able to get to that store yet! Our house smells still, Robin.


      • Oh, so sorry about your house, is it better yet? Remember how nice and sympathetic you were to my moldy air conditioning water leaking out from all three floors into my carpet, smelly by the time I arrived back from my week away, (end of June to 4th of July)? I am very sympathetic to how you must feel that it is inside your nose, glued to your nose hairs. I feel worse for you, than my moldy water situation! Tons worse!


  5. Oh boy. Memories:). My dog got skunked when I was in high school and I’m sure my school uniform smelled to high Heaven, as did our house. Nature’s Miracle is amazing on carpet, so glad to hear it’s working on her!


  6. aw, i’m so sorry for all of you. poor ellie probably feels the worst having taken the direct hit. i’ve never had a ‘contact smell’ from a pet skunking, but i did smell like a grill one morning apparently when i had roasted a chicken early in the morning, and there had been a bit of smoke in the cottage….people kept commenting on a ‘grill or smoky or burning smell’ all day


    • That’s a funny one, Beth, at least nobody came right out and pointed a finger at you as the smoky grill bandit! Well, maybe not funny because you probably tired of hearing it! Nobody said a thing to me or wrinkled their nose even yesterday. I went into my bosses office first thing and he said I was OK to stay and work.


  7. Poor little Ellie B. We always used tomato juice on our dogs, but it took almost all of the juice I canned each year. 2 or 3 dogs and a barn full of skunks is not a match made in heaven.

    BTW, I’m giving WP another try, and this time I think I wrote the password down–I hope, I hope. No more train wrecks though, now I’m just a Kentucky Angel.


    • That’s too many skunks and too many dogs and my nose is twitching at the thought, Angie. Holy moly. And please don’t change your password, ever. I will check out your new place this weekend!


  8. The skunks must be on an invasion of North America! My brother’s dog got skunked about 2 weeks ago in Albuquerque, NM. They went online and found the “prescription” for the ingredients to de-skunk their dog (all household items) and it worked! Sorry about Ellie B. Hope you, Karen, and Ellie (and your house) all smell better now!


  9. Aww poor pup! We used to have a family of skunks that lived under our porch every year to birth and raise their young. Never got sprayed! I have never ever seen or smelled a skunk out west. Well that’s not quite true. Out on our secondary highways, I’ve smelled the odd road kill skunk. 🙂
    Diana xo


  10. Hahahaha sorry for laughing! I had the exact same thing happen when I worked night shift at the hospital– my dog was skunked about 20 minutes before I had to leave. The house REEKED for days and it was in my hair and clothes when I got to work. Fun times. Maybe they’ll send you home for creating a hostile work environment?


    • Yes, Aussa, you got the folks on that night shift, didn’t you? Last job, it happened the morning I had to go in, and I did get sent home. Yesterday morning my scent passed the boss test and I was cleared for all-day desk duty. The worst part now, as you mention, is that the house reeks for days. What an ugly reminder of the direct skunk eye hit of 2014.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’ve heard tomato juice works. Never have tried it though. You poor thing, and poor Ellie B. When a skunk let loose near our house one time, our house reeked for days. It was awful. Sending you BIG (((HUGS))) your way! Love, Amy


  12. Been down this road more than once. Yes, I’ve carried it in on me, for sure. The worst case I’ve seen was a teacher colleague of mine. She just reeked. She was mortified but, hey, class goes on.


    • Our beloved rescue mutt was Ellie when we adopted her at 6 months old. And my last name. Thus you and she are connected, Ellie Belfiglio. Your poems are a good motivator for her. I read them to her. 🙂


  13. You know that commercial for Fabreze, I think it is, where they ask you if you are “nose blind?” That’s what happened to us after a week or so after Max got a direct hit in the face from a skunk. We thought the smell was gone. NOT! My parents (both of whom are incapable of not utteringing exactly what is on their minds) walked in the house and gagged. “This Place Reeks!” Sigh…… We were nose blind.


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