A new game to the Backyard Olympics …

Elisabeth takes her best shot.

Elisabeth takes her best shot.

At our great friends KP and Sue’s big shindig Sunday afternoon, I discovered a new sport in the Backyard Olympics collection.

Elisabeth knew it. My wonderful daughter picked up one of the stringed things and took aim.

George considers his turn.

George considers his turn.

Her solid boyfriend George knew it. He enthusiastically stepped up for the two-person contest using the six swingie ropes with balls attached and two ladders.

Kai loved watching Elisabeth and George play.

Khai loved watching Elisabeth and George play.

Their game quickly drew a spectator.

Khai, 4 1/2, was invited to throw by George, but was content watching from the side.

Elisabeth and George were pretty good at this Ladder Golf.

Elisabeth and George were pretty good at this Ladder Golf.

The young folks wrapped the bolos around the posts. Three points for the bottom rung, two points middle, one point top.

George said the name of the game was ladder toss.

I Googled it at home, and came up with Ladder Golf. As fun as it may be, I think George’s name is closer to the nub of the essence.

Also available, no takers.

Also available, no takers.

The party thrown by KP and Sue was a combo affair to celebrate the college graduation of their oldest daughter; their 25th wedding anniversary; June 1; and family and friends. The hullabaloo was a 10 on all accounts.

I enjoyed the conversation, with plenty of folks who I worked side by side with for many years at the big daily. (It did not occur to me at the time to attempt a game of Ladder Golf with KP and Tater so I could make this a part of our 2014 golf series.)

The food was superb.

Sue gave us a guided tour of her lovely gardens, which I took with my great friend Melinda.

And there was another game in Backyard Olympics available on the grounds of their gorgeous backyard.

But the bocce balls sat unused.

Have you ever played Ladder Golf? What’s your favorite Backyard Olympics game? Would consider digging horseshoe pits in your backyard?

60 thoughts on “A new game to the Backyard Olympics …

  1. What a fun event to add to backyard Olympics! I’ve never played ladder golf but would definitely welcome the opportunity…especially if a little alcohol was involved, as Rachel mentioned above! Reminds me of when I was a kid, my cousins and I would play house Olympics and probably destroyed a couch or two…good times!


  2. The photos and game looks fun and the little one, Kai, adorable! I have played this game, Mark! I am so excited to tell you this! I also like the bean bag toss game that has a name, which escapes me, in back yards. In my parents’ day, on their side yard, we played a lot of croquet and badminton! I am a terrible golfer but love miniature golf or Putt Putt! Smiles, Robin


  3. I no longer have a backyard big enough for games. 😦

    BUt! 🙂

    My childhood was full of kick ball, first bounce or fly, hot box, football, and the politically incorrect but we didn’t know what it meant smear the queer. CLueless that that was a bad thing when we were kids. For that matter it may not have been since we didn’t know it.


    • Childhood backyard games, oh, the memories. Only we played mostly in the driveway or even, parents shiver now, the street! Touch football and street hockey and catch. Basketball in driveway hoops. I am pretty sure, Colleen, that one game you mentioned, had a bad connotation even then, though most likely not the meaning that we would never, ever consider in our adulthood.


      • Mark, I was SO naive. In all fairness, I still am to some degree. But I had NO idea then. And even now, when I hear that term, I think of the GAME and not a sexual preference! 🙂

        We played in the street as well. When I watched Wayne’s World and they yelled CAR!!!! while playing in the street I swore they stole that scene from us!


      • I meant back then, when we were kids, using that word to mean that kids were “odd” or “different than mainstream” wasn’t the best thing, either. That’s all.

        And, Colleen, yes, Wayne’s World made me roll on the theater floor with the “Car!” scene, right out of the neighborhood game of the season.


      • Hmmmmm, surely I knew that’s what that meant back then? I really don’t even associate it with that! I either have extremely poor recall (most likely) or I was truly the most clueless (second close runner up to most likely).

        Ah well Mark. I apparently didn’t associate it with meanness. Unless of course I was the one getting smeared by a pack of siblings and neighbors because I couldn’t run fast enough!


      • 🙂 I don’t mind at all Mark. It’s interesting to ‘see’ how others are/were. I can’t help but wonder exactly how naive I was. Or do I forget all of that stuff?


      • I take that back Mark. Now, as an adult, I see ‘reasons’ for ‘how’ people became mean. In some situations. Doesn’t make it right. But it’s there for a reason some times. Usually a ‘defense’.


  4. Backyard games don’t work well in 110 degrees with little shade. We played bocce ball at a friend’s house, bought some of our own, stuck them on the back patio, and never touched them again. They weigh as much as an ox.


  5. what a wonderful, festive post. makes it feel like summer already. this is a great way to combine celebrations and is fun for all ages. the picture of kai is priceless. we have family olympics every few years, and this reminds me we are about due ) ladder toss/golf looks fun, though i’ve never played it –


    • Family Olympics! That sounds like fun, Beth. It also sounds like that Seinfeld episode when George’s father made him partake if Festivus. You know, Festivus for the rest of us. Anyway, I’m sure your family Olympics is nothing like the Costanza debacle.

      Yes, the KP and Sue party encompassed something for all the generations. It was perfect to ring in the summer.


  6. It’s nice to engage in games at a party. So seldom does that happen anymore. Looks like a good time Mark. Thanks for the post.


  7. Never heard of that game either, but looks like fun! Btw, my oldest son is also called Cai but spelled with a ‘C’…we say it as in ‘eye’…is that how you say it? And those shade dappled gardens look lovely.


    • I have checked with his mom on the spelling, as I just took a guess, Ali.

      I know that it is pronounced with a hard “k’ or ‘c’ sound, Ali, also as in “eye.”

      Our friends’ gardens are truly a marvel, many different species of plants thriving.


    • I have not played croquet in an awful long time, Ann, although I used to like it an awful lot. My lawns in adulthood have never been level enough for a fair game of wickets.

      And I do not believe I ever played Red Rover, either, legendary as it is.


      • I have played neither croquet nor Red Rover in an awful long time, Mark. Maybe I’ll find a fun backyard game sometime this summer. Thanks to you, I’ll be more on the look-out, now.


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