Forecaster says one more snow, but I look for spring anyway

Outside the Friends Diner, which straddles the Syracuse neighborhoods of Eastwood and Lyncourt, promise of BBQ season.

Outside the Friends Diner, which straddles the Syracuse neighborhoods of Eastwood and Lyncourt, promise of BBQ season.

The Syracuse TV station weather guy said Wednesday morning shall bring one last snow.

He called it the last gasp of winter, as a matter of fact.

I hope so.

As I walked with Ellie B, aka Dogamous Pyle, this afternoon prior to the last snowy hurrah, I kept my eyes open for any signs of spring.

And the first one, serendipitously so, was in fact a sign. Placed outside the Friends Diner, it advertised the weekly chicken barbecue to come.

I closed my eyes and imagined the smell of food well-charred, eaten outside, sitting happily in the sun.

A block later, I spotted the front yard tree, below.

I do believe those are buds up there in the branches.

I closed my eyes and imagined the smell of leaves and blossoms, emerging outside, perched for their glorious turn in the sun.

A tree buds in Syracuse.

A tree buds in Syracuse.

What are the first signs of spring you see in your neck of the woods? Has it happened yet this year?

27 thoughts on “Forecaster says one more snow, but I look for spring anyway

  1. That seems to be a rather bold prediction for up your way! Even in much milder St. Louis, the weathermen don’t dare declare winter to be officially dead until about the second week of April.


  2. I’ve seen signs…..but then I drove home from work in greying light. Parked at home. Looked down to get my water bottle and something hit the car. I looked up. SNOW was falling, the wind was SCREAMING. Sigh. Went in the house and down to the basement to do my workout. It was dark. Half hour later I return and the sun is shining. SHINING. Half hour after that. Dark and snow showers. But I have seen signs…. 😉


  3. After the snowy awakening the sun is now shining, some green grass is peeking out, already mowed at least once, and there are red and rust colored buds on the trees. It’s just a bit above freeze point, but we’ve had some weather in the 60’s and 70’s, so I count those as good omens. Wind is still howling, but that happens year round. Ah, Mark, spring is in the air. My sinuses tell me so.


  4. I was asking my guy friend, Mark, at work today this same question. Since I feel I have covered Spring a ton this year in my posts, I will tell you what he said, “When I hear the peepers!” He says they are not the same as pollywogs nor bullfrogs who make deep sounds. I am not sure I have heard a ‘peeper’ in years! They are tiny and ‘cute,’ as I remember! I like the crocuses that are in bloom in my friend’s yard. Smiles, Robin


  5. The BBQ sounds great. There are thousands of kids here in the UK who would envy you – they LOVE snow. Here we are back to cold rain. Summer must be here already.


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