Stephen Douglas Wolfe celebrates We’ll Live

My good friend Ulf Oesterle sent over a note about a show in downtown Syracuse featuring Stephen Douglas Wolfe. And when a musician catches the ear and wins over the heart of Oesterle, it’s time to take notice. I know that from the years he pointed me toward cool sounds when I toiled as the…

A gray day on the Syracuse University hill

It’s not winter yet here in the top half of the world. And yet when it’s gray, and I’m walking on the Syracuse University campus, there’s that familiar feel in the air. It’s coming. Soon. I don’t need to red-circle Dec. 21 on any calendar … Hover over any gallery photo for a description. Click…

Think it over, Abe

There’s a lot to think about on a college campus, right? At Syracuse University, students, faculty and the stray guy with an iPhone 6 can wonder about what Abe Lincoln might have had on his mind at this point in American history. There’s a nice collection of Syracuse student art around the campus as I’ve…

This isn’t exactly New York City

When my dear wife Karen and I were walking up from our favorite reasonable-rate parking lot down the big hill Saturday on our way to see the Syracuse Orange battle No. 1 Clemson in football in the Carrier Dome, I noticed another newly refurbished building finished about two-thirds of the way along our journey. It’s…

The Magnificent Mrs. Johnson

The lovely chapel on the Syracuse University quad resonated with chuckles. Some of the hundred people inside from the shining July sun dabbed their cheeks from tears. We listened to pretty guitar and stately organ music. We celebrated the 92 years of Vivienne Jean Johnson beautifully in Hendricks Chapel on a lovely Thursday afternoon as…

Thornden Park, Syracuse, N.Y.

Photo 101: No place to go but up for landscapes

Wide open spaces. That’s what I think about when the name Anson Williams and the word landscapes are thrown around, such as Cheri did for Photo 101 lesson 15. Wait a second. Potsie Weber from “Happy Days” didn’t shoot great photographs of the world we live in. Make that Ansel Adams. I knew I was…