Beaver Stadium is one heck of a building

Entering at ground level.

Not know exactly where we’d end up in Beaver Stadium, we asked a helpful usher-type, who gave us several choices for point of entry.

My dear wife Karen and I decided to enter the bowl at field level.

Impressive bowl.

We looked all around the 105,000-seat stadium and let it wash over us.

The Carrier Dome, home to our season tickets for Syracuse University football this past decade, has its own charms, being the only indoor college venue these days and all.

But. This. Place. Is. Really. Big.

Way up there we must climb.

Of course, entering at field level, we had to face the fact that our two seats were in row 79. As in, quite near the top of the bowl I’m showing up in the photo above.

Up those stairs we climbed.

View from our seats.

I was quite happy with the seats my dear wife had scored online.

Karen thought we should go look out from the very tippy top.

My nose did not bleed!

The last row is up there.

Us, we, Karen and me.

I was happy at a Penn State football game! Karen gets a lot out of me never, ever thought was in there.

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