A mere four or five hours later …

The big box arrived early on a Saturday morning, and my dear wife Karen and I spread the parts around the cleared-out space in our kitchen.

Hover over a gallery photo for a description. Click on an image for an enlarged slide show.

The instructions for assembly were three pages long for the counter-style table and four chairs.

Patiently, mostly, we worked together, mostly. Two pots of coffee were consumed.

Slowly, it began to look like a table.

Then, one, two, three, four chairs.

My hand-held Phillips-head screwdriver proved to be a real blister-producer to six needed long fasteners for each chair’s bottom rail system. Daughter Elisabeth confirmed that George Three indeed had a power model to bring over later to help with the finishing touches.

There we have it.

His help to wrap up the project was greatly appreciated.

That’s quite appropriate. One of the duties awaiting this bigger table is its friendliness for our kids-are-here meals.

Happy, yes.

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