Welcome back from Florida, my dear wife

My dear wife Karen returned from her annual Girls Getaway trip at the end of last week, so I took on half day from my job at the library.

We took advantage of the warm spring Friday and went back to the Village of Liverpool for a sunny sit outside The Retreat.

Looking warm.

We sat at a table, drank a beer and a glass of wine, and shared an appetizer plate of mozzarella sticks, wings, tenders and loaded potato skins. There were two of all except the wings, of which there were three. For $10.95, it felt sort skimpy without that fourth wing to share evenly. Tasty, yes.

Happy wife.

Yes, it was a good way to ease back from Florida to the ‘burbs of Syracuse, N.Y., my wife agreed.

If you an outdoor bar/restaurant for a sunny Friday, what’s the name and what do you order?

8 thoughts on “Welcome back from Florida, my dear wife

  1. Your spot looks lovely and it sounds like such a nice outing. Here in Kentucky most of the outdoor spots are basically some tables thrown on cement and just about in the parking lot so I don’t find it appealing. In the Bay Area, though, I have a couple of faves I love to visit. Half Day Cafe in Kentfield has a lovely patio where a pergola and careful plantings of bushes and trees and flowers remove you from noticing that one end is practically at the street and the other end abuts the parking lot. My fave order there is a burger (really good beef) with no bun–but plenty of their sauce — and a lovely side salad. Another is the Panama Hotel in San Rafael where the patio is also right by the street but a wall and lovely plantings remove you from all sense of sitting next to cars. I love so many things on their menu it’s hard to choose, but often one of the salads.


  2. yay, welcome back to your dear wife. the reunions always make everything even better. looks like a great day to sit outside and enjoy the weather. (and the wings!)


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