The Grammys Is Still Worth Watching, and Mulling Over

People love flashing out over the Grammys.

That’s what I like to call the immediate reactions on all sorts of social media during the midst of a big event.

You know, flash-lashing. Host James Corden even poked fun at it with a spool of fake tweets roasting his performance Sunday as he announced the Grammy hashtag during the CBS broadcast.

Sometimes it’s still good to let things sit around in the brain – and soul – a bit before putting your thoughts out into the universe, I think. And hope.

So, a bit about Sunday night …

Oh-oh-oh. (Getty Images)

Oh-oh-oh. (Getty Images)

•Late night/early morning guy Corden left me flat when he went that way with his dance-routine-gone-awry opening, but won me back with his marvelous Carpool Karaoke bit, wearing that car sandwich board and convincing the gaggle of stars to join he and Neil Diamond for a chorus of Sweet Caroline The Staples Center sounded fine. Maybe Corden should be invited back for another crack at this thing, for the 58th Grammys in 2018.

•Yeah, it was somewhat jarring when Adele stopped midway through her tribute to George Michael, got bleeped, and asked to start over. But for the British star singer to drop an f-bomb is not out of character, nor is her wearing her emotions on her sleeve. Live TV is meant for moments live this, right? And the tribute to Michael was wonderful from start-to-finish the second time around.

Nothing subtle here. (Getty Images)

Nothing subtle here. (Getty Images)

•Power can be wielded on a sliding scale. Jennifer Lopez started the procession of speaking out about artists taking action in today’s political climate by quoting a passage from Nobel Prize winning author Toni Morrison’s piece for The Nation after George W. Bush was re-elected in 2004. Katy Perry and Skip Marley made their statement during the debut of her new single. She wore an armband declaring “persist,” and at the close of the song, the Preamble to the Constitution, We the People, flashed large on the screen behind them as she and the grandson to reggae legend Bob Marley stood hand-in-hand. Then A Tribe Called Quest clobbered the new regime with a big hammer in their performance, calling him “President Agent Orange” and citing policies as vessels of hate and division while bringing a diverse range of people to the stage to stand in pride. They ended with fists proudly and defiantly in the air, the traditional stance of black power. It was breath-taking stuff.

The Grammys still carries clout.

If you watched the Grammys, what were your favorite moments, and why?

16 thoughts on “The Grammys Is Still Worth Watching, and Mulling Over

  1. i always enjoy all of the excitement and shenanigans at the grammys, much more fun than many of the other awards shows. i only made it through about a half hour and then off to bed for me, unfortunately. thanks for giving me a play by play of highlights – i can always count on you )


  2. awesome post, I particularly loved a good amount of the live performances at the Grammys. It’s amazing that they put together so many different people under one roof to collaborate. Did you have a favorite performance of the night?


  3. Always great reviews here. I don’t watch award shows any more – too much to do and can’t sit still that long. Besides all the drama seems so shallow and self serving at times. The special effects and costumes are cool – but you can see that later online. Great for their building fan base, though with live action.


      • Apparently Metallica was pretty angry at a bad mic. Shouldn’t have happened.
        The show was quite smashing from what I’ve seen on line.
        (And I’m not sure where that guy comes off saying Beyonce can’t sing – we’ve watch her since she was little on local stages. Now her special effects and showy stage productions may overshadow her singing, but there’s no doubt she can sing.)


  4. I always love reading your views on music and concerts .. When many people like to simply trash (I guess it makes them feel superior), you don’t. Your criticisms are always balanced with an appreciation of what you like. As usual, good stuff. Thanks!


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