The Grammys Is Still Worth Watching, and Mulling Over

People love flashing out over the Grammys. That’s what I like to call the immediate reactions on all sorts of social media during the midst of a big event. You know, flash-lashing. Host James Corden even poked fun at it with a spool of fake tweets roasting his performance Sunday as he announced the Grammy…

Syracuse music, with The Works

And the winner is … Friday night, 13 best-of category recipients will be announced at the Syracuse Area Music Awards annual ceremony at the Palace Theatre. There also will be shiny black trophies handed out for the Brian Bourke Award for best new artist, hall of fame inductees (including Chris Goss of Masters of Reality)…

Grammys leave me feeling half empty

Most every year I can’t get to sleep after the Grammys telecast has signed off because the annual celebration of what makes music move us has reminded me of great things past and present and stirred hopes for the future, too. Last night I watched the local news, thought about how I’d have to get…