A great-named wine for a blustery day

Yes, it was.

Yes, it was.

Before our pre-Valentine’s Day date was complete, my dear wife Karen and I stopped at our favorite wine store.

After all, it was in between the mega shopping, dining and entertainment complex Destiny USA and our cherished Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood.

Karen roamed the aisles, still in the mood for a fruity flavor.

I decided that the big rooster brand deserved a chance to have one of its other vintages checked out.

Karen went for a most aptly named Cabin Fever. Yes, the wind chill was at -26F when we left for our movie-and-meal date.

We cracked open the Hazlitt Vinyard’s Cabin Fever that Saturday, and Karen gave the Finger Lakes Blush Table Wine a thumb’s up. I still had an open bottle of the Rex-Goliath’s Merlot, so the Free Range Red will remain corked until another day.

A glass or two for each of us certainly made the snow and cold more bearable as we sat in the living room of the Little Bitty, looking out the windows. It sure was bitter when I stepped out on the back porch to let Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle out in the backyard to do her thing. She was smart enough to run back up in a jiff, though, and I was slightly warmed by my Merlot.

What did you do to cope with your latest case of Cabin Fever? What do you think a Free Range Red will compare to in the wine spectrum? Would you pick the Cabin Fever, Free Range Red, Merlot, or something else, and please explain.

21 thoughts on “A great-named wine for a blustery day

  1. My favorite wine in my price range is still Cavit Cabernet Sauvignon from Italy, but I’ve recently been drinking Salmon Run Chardonnay and Salmon Run Pinot Noir, from the Fingerlakes Region. But only in the evening, so the rest of the time spent in during the Artic Vortex is spent playing videogames or hugging Cody.


      • Wasn’t fun here this morning. First time I was really happy I have AWD. Hubby didn’t make it to his job in his front-wheel drive, and he’s one of the best winter drivers I know.

        At least now the roads have been plowed, more or less.


      • It took my 50 minutes to make the 25-minute drive home from work when my shift ended at 5:30 last night. My front-wheel drive had my skating through the ice at the bottom, slush in the middle and new snow falling on top. I feel bad for you both with much more snow. Today my shift runs 4 to close (9:30). It’s snowing a little with the temperature right at freezing and schedule to drop a lot. We shall see.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Those really are great are great names for wine. I am embarrassed to say it was in the 70s yesterday here in the Central Valley, the Bradford Pears are blooming and it looks like the fruit trees are getting ready to bust out with blooms as well. Poor Ellie B, I bet that was a quick dash out for a pee at those kind of temperatures. Hope things start warming up for you guys out there – soon!!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

      • I will. And we will remember this when you are enjoying your summery balmy days and I am baking to death out here in California when Summer hits. I guess it all evens out in the end!!!!


  3. My preference is Irish coffee, but sadly had none of the crucial ingredients at home — and I wasn’t about to venture out in those conditions. Glad I had a double IPA in the fridge!


  4. i love the cabin fever name, so i would try it, but happy to try them all ) we’ve been really lucky with our weather and temps this year, so i’m crossing my fingers…


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