A new bar, friendly folks

My dear wife Karen noticed it right away on our first walk around the cozy town with Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle.

A new bar and grill had opened between our annual visits to the Happy Cottage in Cape Cod. The Red Nun sure looks nice on the outside, she said, noting how we’d remarked on the work they’d been doing on the joint last June. On the swing past the front windows, a family was eating at a table, and the toddler jumped up to watch Ellie B through the glass. We stopped, and everybody involved smiled. Yes, even our beloved rescue mutt.

Comfy bar.

Comfy bar.

So it was easy peasey to add the Red Nun to our New Place list for this week’s vacation plans. On a walking trip for a return dinner to the Oyster Company — where we ordered the same exact plates as last year and enjoyed the swordfish and lobster/shrimp Cioppino just as much — we stopped at the Red Nun and sat at the bar.

The bartender was friendly with his introduction, and passed over a sample of the local pale for Karen. He chuckled at her subsequent order of Bud Light and congratulated her for trying. His pour of my house Merlot was outstanding. He chatted for a while and accepted my compliments on the excellent flat screens showing the U.S. Women’s World Cup Soccer game vs. Australia.

Just two in Cape Cod.

Just two in Cape Cod.

I liked the two-spot on the map painted on the brick wall and used my iPhone 6 to capture that after my bar shot.

A patron kitty-corner to the left commented about my picture-taking, and offered to shoot one of us two.

Enjoying a New Place.

Enjoying a New Place.

He warned me that the back lighting wasn’t the best, but there we three sat.

The conversation continued, and the friendly guy told us of how he and his wife rented the place they own a few streets over during the time they aren’t coming in from the Massachusetts regular home. I have his website to pass on to Syracuse friends who may be interested. He has my card to read this blog if our banter was as true as I felt. If I read people correctly, we were very pleased to meet you, kind sir.

We told the bartender we hope to be back for a lunch. He said he works dinnertime shifts except Sundays. Too bad, that, but maybe we’ll meet another new friend.

Do you strike up conversations with strangers in new places? Would you hand over your phone to somebody you don’t know to take your picture or worry that they’d run with it? Local ale, Bud Light or house Merlot?

51 thoughts on “A new bar, friendly folks

  1. Great photo, Mark and Karen! Oh, yes, no one is a stranger to me while I’m on vacation and yes I hand my phone over and often offer to take pictures for others (actually, I offer Dave’s photo-taking skills because I’m not a pro, yet!) And you know what’s next…local brew. Every time 😀 We just had several local CO brews, IPAs, delish!


  2. Yes I do strike up conversations with strangers. (if I feel safe in my environment!)
    Yes I would give my phone to a stranger to take a picture.
    Love a Local Brewery… I really enjoy beer tasting but love a Strong IPA! Bud Lite Lime on a HOT day!
    Wine anytime! And enjoy a cocktail as well.
    Loved seeing the picture of your Dear Wife Karen and you!


    • Nancy, let’s talk. 🙂 Oh, we’re not strangers anymore. Ha. Bud Lite Lime on a hot day is heaven, I agree. I’m not a strong IPA lover. Too hoppy! Just me. Wine, well, I’ve been writing all about that. The right cocktail will do it, too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Rarely do I have conversations with strangers, but now and again, sure. My husband knows no strangers, so I usually stand there, waiting for awkward small talk to grow more interesting.
    Yes, I’d hand my phone to someone I didn’t know.
    Probably local ale…probably.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It definitely looks like a cozy place. I’m glad you’re having fun on your getaway. One of my new mottoes is, if you want friends, be friendly. Of course that all depends on the mood I’m in!


  5. i love finding new places. and striking up conversations with strangers. and i would give my phone to take a pic and by the way, what a great pic of both of you )


  6. That is great fun Mark. I enjoy wandering around checking out new places and will often start conversations. That is a great way to spend an afternoon or even a day.


  7. Well as my dear Dad was said about me.”He was vaccinated with a phonograph needle.”,so yes I talk to strangers all the time. As for camera thing I have before and I would most definitely try a local ale. Nice pic of you crazy kids.


  8. I like Budweiser, Old Style, Busch, I’m not fancy with beer but I don’t care for light. Merlot can be tricky, I usually pick one I’ve had before that I know is good. I don’t care for house wine, I got burned a few times.

    Sounds relaxing and fun 🙂


  9. love the photo of you guys! Part of the fun of new places is talking to the people there! My husband and I often do. We have handed over the phone when someone offers-fortunately the people that asked didn’t give us any reason to think they had ulterior motives 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. To answer your questions, Mark: (1) Yes, (2) I wouldn’t worry, (3) I’m not drinking alcohol these days. Here’s a question from me: What was better — the food at The Red Nun or THE PIE from earlier in the week? Here’s a comment from me: love the photo of you and Karen.

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