Peony power for Memorial Day Weekend

Bursting out for the holiday.

Bursting out for the holiday.

They call Memorial Day Weekend the unofficial start of summer in our part of the world.

It got down to 44º F last night, more fit for another season.

Nevertheless the peony standing proudly in front of the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood has pushed out its pretty fuchsia flowers. My dear wife Karen thinks this may be early for the peony to bloom. I’m not sure. In any case, we’ve started our week or so of peak appreciation of their beauty.

It's only the beginning.

It’s only the beginning.

May your three days be filled with flowers, fun and fascination.

What’s blooming in your neck of the woods? What’s your favorite color flower? What’s up for you today?

85 thoughts on “Peony power for Memorial Day Weekend

  1. I have been watching mine like a hawk! It’s usually June when my bloom and I thought the unusual cold weather would affect the timing ,so I am happy to hear that yours are out and blossoming regardless. SO BEAUTIFUL. They make me very happy. 🙂


  2. LOVE peonies! I have my husband’s great-great grandma’s peonies in my yard. They have lasted four transplants and look gorgeous this year – unfortunately, the rain beat them down, but I did have some lovely bouquets. Beautiful pictures, Mark!


  3. Just got back to the southwest after being gone for several years. The rainfall has been plentiful and the desert spring flowers are just blooming big in a vibrancy and abundance I have never experienced. A great welcome home from nature.


  4. 44 degrees? That’s nothing. We are only having a high of 71 today with a low of… wait for it…. 59 tonight. For LA, that’s like comparable temperatures of 51 and 39! Fur coat sales are going up in Southern California…. pray for us!


  5. Lilac is my fave flower. Its color rivals the white of “Lily of the Valley” 🙂 (my mom’s fave flower)
    As a Canadian, our long weekend was last weekend. However, I am working with Kim Cattrall, and she is lilac white in my mind & heart.What a gal! What a holiday! 🙂


  6. I stopped at mom’s today. Of course she had all kinds of beautiful things a bloomin’ today. I couldn’t tell you what they were. But they were plentiful and colorful. The rose bush I planted for her was still alive (yay I didn’t kill it!) but the blooms were gone 😦 ). She has so many lovely colors. I wish I had the patience to plant. But that’s okay. One day i might. At least I’ll know who to call or blog to when I need some help. 🙂 To our memorials this weekend MBM, may they be full of lovely flowers 🙂


  7. That is my favorite peony! I had one that was huge like that in Montana. They do not grow well in Florida. Too warm. Happy Memorial Day Weekend Mark! ❤


  8. Oh the peony… such a beauty! The color is so vibrant! I love spring flowers… well actually I love all flowers! Thank You for sharing and I hope it warms up for you. Happy Memorial Day weekend!


  9. Our peonies have budded but not bloomed. Steven puts a fence around them to keep them from drooping to the ground (he plans to do that tomorrow). I’ve heard the ants are what make them bloom, by going inside the buds and eating… something (I don’t really know much about plants). I tell people my stalker planted the peonies, because they just magically appeared one year and have gotten bigger ever since.


  10. It was downright cold here last night Mark. I turned on the stove burner to get some heat in my room. Whew! I like flowers of all sorts and any bright colors. I’m easy to please. 🙂


  11. The peonies are lovely. I love your including the wishes and fascinating moments ahead, Mark. Hope for you, Elisabeth, Karen and George to enjoy your extended weekend. 🙂


  12. Here, when the peonies open, it means the ground has gotten warm enough to plant everything else. I don’t know if that’s the old gardener’s tale where you live.
    So pretty. I love peonies. That fuchsia really stands out against the blue of Little Bitty, making them even more pretty!
    We have pink ones here, too, but I used to have a white variety. I’d like to add some white ones in this yard 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • I like the color contrast, too, Joey. Thanks for that praise!

      I’d love to find some white ones for MDW Karen to put in.

      And this is the first I’ve heard of that very wise gardening saying. I like it!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. It cooled down here two days after I got the borrowed a/c unit from my cousin, bro Mark. But that’s okay. If it takes borrowing an a/c to make the weather cool down, I’ll take it. As for what’s blooming? Roses, Iris, and a few other things I don’t know the names of. I do know a rose when I see it though. We’ve had some nice days to be out in the sunshine lately.

    Liked by 1 person

      • I did enjoy it Mark, but it’s all gone now. A front is moving in, and the temp is in the upper 80’s now. That’s life around here though, and probably in most places.


      • That a/c is working so well bro Mark. I’ve moved my computer in here, and moved most of my shelves to the bedroom. Someone will be picking up the bed next week, since I can’t use it any more. I’ll turn that into a sewing room if we ever get central air again. No one is holding their breath. I’m going to call OSHA on Tuesday about the dangerous conditions in the halls downstairs, plus the boreholes in my apartment and the hall outside since last Sept. when the guy next door blew his place up. I’ve been breathing in asbestos dust since then, and so have all the people living on this end of the hall. Now everyone in the building is breathing it in from the dust being released in the air. So many violations going on here.


  14. I love peonies. Had them in the yard when I grew up. They were beautiful but had to be staked or they fell to the ground as soon as it rained. And for some reason they attracted ants…Happy Memorial Day weekend, though! Here’s to warmer weather!


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