At this huge nursery, it’s easy to welcome spring

You picked the wrong jacket to hide in the forsythia section, my dear wife Karen.

You picked the wrong jacket to hide in the forsythia section, my dear wife Karen.

Last Saturday my dear wife Karen and I walked the aisles of Chuck Hafner’s Garden Center in North Syracuse for more than an hour, and I was a lot closer to getting bushed than I was to getting bored.

Every year we take the drive from our Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood to North Syracuse to delight in the massive collection of plants, bushes, trees and so much more in this nursery. It is one of our happy rites of spring, knowing that we can add to the gardens up front and out back.

Quick, Tweet this photo of the Twitter bush.

Quick, Tweet out this photo of the Twitter bush.

I love to use my imagination, picturing this huge tree, that wide bush, every flower in that whole aisle adorning our plot.

Oh, what could be done with unlimited yard space and an endless budget. Not to mention a really big truck.

Yet, we always fill the back of Karen’s Mazda SUV with a new collection to put in the ground around our home.

Karen with Saturday's bounty.  I have a feeling there will be another trip before May is out.

Karen with Saturday’s bounty. I have a feeling there will be another trip before May is out.

If you’d like to read my story and see a lot of neat pictures from Chuck Hafner’s Garden Center on Syracuse Public Media site, click the link below.

Do you like to take a trip to a nursery to help awaken the senses of spring? Do you add to your garden every year?

49 thoughts on “At this huge nursery, it’s easy to welcome spring

    • Very cool PLGCM. Gardens are meant to enjoy, not pronounce. Although I must sadly add, they are also meant to photograph much more spectacularly than I can with my iPhone and iPad by many, many others here in BlogVille. I’m looking forward to seeing your shots, blurry or surprisingly sharp.


  1. Went to your article–You take what others would see as a small and tedious topic and make it quite interesting. I definitely wanted to visit this nursery after reading your piece. However, after a semester at Oswego, you couldn’t drag me back to your nippy neck of the woods for love nor money! Well, okay, MAYbe in the summer : )

    Thank you so much for the Follow on The Last Half!


    • Your semester at Oswego apparently put up your three-seasons wall around pretty good, Outlier, but spring and fall can be pretty awesome, too. I can hardly endorse winter and keep a clear consciense.

      And I am glad that “The Last Half” caught my eye. I hope more of my work catches yours.

      Thanks for the comment back to this nippy neck of the woods!


  2. At my apartment, I would not need to buy plants, but do like it when I get a bouquet from my children and grands, for Mother’s Day! I am next door to OWU campus, where they have labeled trees and call it an “arboretum.” Downtown Delaware is considered one of the many “Tree City, U.S.A.’s” and we have all of our flowering trees in blossom! Karen looks great in her light mint green jacket amidst the bright and cheery forsythias!


  3. Most of the nurseries around here have closed Mark. I used to love going there, finding just the perfect new plant and taking it home, but now if you want new plants you have to go to K-Mart, Wal-Mart, or the grocery to get them. Even my cousin has closed his down, after several generations of keeping it going. I guess they just ran out of people to pass it down to, or the heirs are too lazy to do the work required to keep it going. I don’t have any garden space any more, but do have some pots of herbs in my window, hopefully growing this summer, and hopefully will come back next year.

    BTW, you should call her your beautiful wife Karen.


  4. i would love to go to this nursery, it looks great and i’m sure i would wander through and find all kinds of things i didn’t know i needed to take home with me )


  5. I love,love,love a trip to the nursery at any time of year but it is almost fatal to my bank account! Like your choices. Will be looking at your other post to see more photos.


      • Oh yes – it’s sort of like me planning on buying just about everything that takes my fancy and Steve being the voice of reason.
        Seeds are easy to sneak into a shopping trolley. That’s my horticultural tip!
        Enjoyed reading the other post too.


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