Yummy says a lot

Ready to dig in.

Lobster tacos at the Beach Bar.

Yes, please.

Wish you could taste it.

Thought you might want a closer look.

Another discovery.

The lime-sauced lobster paired perfectly with this year’s local beer, a Kolsch brewed specially for the Ocean House Beach Bar by South Dennis brewery Devil’s Purse.

Feeling at home.

We might have felt like locals.

While we appreciated our lunch, we overheard a group mention they hailed from Cortland, N.Y. some 30 miles from our home. They said it was their first trip to the Cape and they were wondering about interesting sights.

My dear wife Karen took a short stroll to their table with small talk and large suggestions.

Happy time, indeed.

11 thoughts on “Yummy says a lot

  1. lobster and tacos, two of my very favs, and a great pairing with the beer choice. you two definitely look comfortable there now, and so kind of karen to help out the newbies –


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