Wanted, hoops players

Springtime pointers.

Spied on a neighborhood springtime stroll: a basket set up on the edge of a lawn, ready and waiting for residents to come out and play.

Cheers to the new season.

4 thoughts on “Wanted, hoops players

  1. Oh goodness, Mark! I want to play around the worldā€”I need to send this to my friend, Chris, so he can tell you that he will NEVER take me up on Around the World or P.I.G. Again at the family center! I canā€™t help but shoot baskets. Like Beth said, ā€œIf you build itā€¦ā€ lol

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  2. If we had one on our street, count me in, Mark. I have actually thought about adding one here, Mark…but I’d drive my neighbors nuts just like kids up the street used to drive us all nuts before they got older. But if someone else puts one up, I’m gonna wander over there lol.

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