Snow Day! Time to stay home and be safe

The cell phone text bing brought the message that still throws an extra beat into the heart.

Snow day!

Flakes in the back.

My library director decided it best to stay closed today. We had freezing rain overnight. Snow started topping that several hours before sunrise.

Didn’t those two words make you think of spending the next eight or so hours rummaging around your yard and the neighborhood with your sled underarm? Friends finding hills on which to slide. Snowballs to pack and sling. Grilled cheese sandwiches to Campbell’s chicken soup for a mid-day warmup thanks to mom.

Now …

Dig out the cars so dear wife Karen can get to her job at the surgery center, thankfully only a half-mile down the road. Why oh why did I have to park behind her after my bowling league last night?

From the webcam.

Get on social media to tell the community our library will remain shuttered for today. We don’t want anybody taking unnecessary trips during the predicted daylong snow.

Come on down.

Lug the iPad outside to find some snowy morning images to share.

What snow?

Get back in to spend an indoor snow day with our cherished rescue mutt Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle, so far totally unfazed by the snow day.

I’ve changed my M.O. over the decades.

Be safe out there if you’ve been hit by winter weather.

18 thoughts on “Snow Day! Time to stay home and be safe

  1. Ellie B. has the right idea. We got hit with the ice and snow right after I got home from work yesterday. I knew that once in the driveway I wouldn’t be going out again any time soon. Hubby is still home recovering from his surgery, and it’s my normal day off, so neither of us has to go anywhere today. Even if we did, my Escape would get through, as there’s really only a few inches of snow. Good weekend to just stay in. I’m glad your library had the good sense to close for the day.


  2. The ‘extra beat in the heart’ brings back memories of teaching days and reveling in the occasion of beloved snow days, Mark. It’s easy to make big plans and then fritter away the whole day, though. Maybe a few household chores and making dinner for your Dear Wife, Mark? That may be a good idea after grumbling about having to move your car! Enjoy😉!


  3. How many people are at the library when it’s open?
    More than those 12 people I saw at the reopening ceremony.
    Most people probably just went in line to get their information as usual.
    Only the older crowd like seen on the dedication use the old fashioned ways now. One in a wheelchair.
    Actually my library is now sending donation requests. I thought our taxes supported the “free” library. Seems to be now changing to the pay library.


    • We get hundreds of patrons per day, Gerald, throughout the main room, children’s room, meeting rooms and the lobby. Taxes do pay for a library budget, yes. But costs increase because contractual pay raises, health insurance hikes, utility rates, material costs … and libraries do not want to ask for big hikes from taxpayers, or are limited to 1.99 percent cap by law in some states (including New York). Hence, the hope for some donations to help make ends meet.


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