The boat names make me wonder

Side by side.

I wandered into a couple new boats and clever names during a recent walk with colleagues during our work break from the library.

I guessed the Onondaga Lake Marina could be quite peaceful in the right situation.

Or, of course, things could be rocking and rolling if that was your idea of Seventh Heaven.

Why both upper case?

Down the line, IF caught my attention because it was not If.

Now that they had the boat, what next?

Or, something else entirely?

15 thoughts on “The boat names make me wonder

  1. I love boat names. People get so punny and creative, I usually delight in them. IF — what if her captain’s name is Ira Friedman? Or maybe he always said, “If I had a boat…” 🙂 Fun stuff!


  2. I’m down there every single morning before it gets light and I smile to myself about the names. Seventh Heaven has been for sale for two seasons. Quiet Night has people that often spend the night on their boat. I wonder about Zeitgeist…with the fancy lettering and long name…


  3. Maybe they are the initials of the owner, which turned out to be catchy name as well for a boat, a name that makes people ponder! Or maybe if they had chosen a different path, they wouldn’t own a boat that had a mysterious name. Oh great, now I am going to think about this all day!!


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