Waiting for Godot and Paul Curran

(From Amazon.com)

(From Amazon.com)

Our regular Sunday guest column from Paul Curran has yet to make its weekly appearance to my email inbox. Yes. I agree. My real world Cuppa does not taste as good without his literary Cuppa. I’ll post it or let you know if I hear more otherwise regarding this week’s status. No, this has nothing to do with Beckett’s tragicomedy, but I needed some art to punch up the post …

25 thoughts on “Waiting for Godot and Paul Curran

  1. Your post’s clever references gave me a giggle – to sort of offset Paul’s MIA status.
    While there’s an assortment of possible reason, I shall wish he’s off to some grand adventure and collecting interesting people along the way – in order not to worry too much….or try to not.
    Will check back by later


      • Oh indeed Mark, do I have a story for you – Whew! Wild one my friend. I had asked my neighbor to send you a message explaining but he said his phone would not do that – I was not impressed.

        I went into hospital for a routine day surgery on Tuesday morning and the next I remember is Sunday morning. It was a close one my friend. They were inserting a catheter into my jugular for Dialysis access and they poked a hole right through the main vessel carrying blood to the heart – and lost more than 1/4 of my blood into my chest cavity before they got control. Even then it was touch and go whether I lived or not. It turns out I am a very fast healer and that saved the day as the vessel closed quickly and I started producing more blood. I stopped breathing as there was no room in the chest cavity and they inserted two chest drains. In the middle they had to transfer me from one hospital to the other where the specialists were. I had to wear a full face mask and so they had to cut off my beard and mustache. One of the nurses used to cut hair and when all was said and done she offered to trim my hair and I agreed. The first comment was that I looked corporate. ha!

        I have to tell you this though – you have never seen such a bunch of scared doctors.Everywhere I went I was speaking to the department head and they offered me everything I could ever want – whatever made me happy. When they visited,they visited groups of 10-12 docs. I was first on their visitations everyday and they were very apologetic. It is the first time in my life I have ever gotten an apology from a doctor and I must have had 20 of them. It was quite satisfying.

        It looks like I will be OK with no after affects and arrived home this afternoon (Tuesday). I’l definitely write a post on it. So glad to be back and all along I was so upset that I couldn’t let you guys know what was going on.


      • Thank goodness you were healthy enough to get through their error, Paul. I am blessing our lucky stars and the power up high right now for saving you. I am so glad you are OK. So, so, so glad, my friend. Those doctors owe you more than an apology, I think!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I actually told one of he directors that If I was American I’d be a millionaire now. I don’t think he thought that was funny. That was when the apologies started.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It is rare that suits go ahead here. Medical is gov’t supplied and they try to keep costs low by not suing. Even suits that go ahead just settle for wages lost so that is no benefit to me. No chance.


      • Hmm. Suing for medical misadventure isn’t possible in Aotearoa New Zealand, as it’s usually treated as being accidental in nature. We have a universal no faults accident compensation scheme which covers all costs associated with treatment, recovery, and ongoing support. Doctors can face disciplinary action from the medical profession or prosecution from the state, but a civil lawsuit is not possible.

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