Bringing back the very goods

We saw a lot of nice merch in Estes Park and Denver.

Of course, when you’ve got one checked bag each and carry on each that you’re going to lug on the plane at Denver, through the airport for the layover in Atlanta and then back home to Syracuse, you’re not going to try to pack that big painting or …

Anyway, I think my dear wife Karen and I did good for each other and from daughter Elisabeth and boyfriend George Three regarding our souvenirs from the first Family Reunion in Colorado.

That's mine. That, too.

That’s mine. That, too.

Karen just had to buy me this pair of socks of all those offered in the sock store on East Elkhorn Avenue. And I will wear them with pride. Thank you, my dear wife.

Click on any gallery photo for a description. Click on the right photo for an enlarged slide show.

The hat I’m wearing proudly above was a surprise gift from Elisabeth and George while we were attending the Colorado Rockies 17-7 victory over the Cincinnati Reds at Coors Field. I have been wearing the cool cap since.

The long-sleeved T-shirt I picked out and purchased myself. I’ll wear it with pride in the cooler months here in the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood, bringing back memories of our three trips to our Rocky Mountain National Park and the fantastic and quite different time we had each of the visits.

The chimes mobile above Karen and I chose together from dozens swinging in a display in one East Elkhorn Avenue store. It was compact enough to pack, yet big enough to say First Trip to the Rocky Mountains. And we already love it on display on our screened back porch.

My dear wife Karen's pride.

My dear wife Karen’s pride.

My dear wife Karen and I joined Elisabeth and George in one fine jewelry store, and my wonderful daughter pointed out an Estes Park charm she wanted for her already bustling bracelet to George.

In the meantime, Karen and I slid over a display, and I asked her what she’d like to wear forever as a memory of her first Family Reunion. She selected a quite pretty Love Bracelet, which I purchased for my lovely bride. When we walked out of the store, George and Elisabeth handed Karen another box. They’d slyly bought Karen the same bracelet Elisabeth has, with the Estes Park charm on it, as thanks for bringing them to the Family Reunion. We love those kids.

Tomorrow: What I learned at the first Family Reunion

What kind of souvenirs do you usually bring home, and why? What’s your favorite souvenir ever, and why? What’s your favorite surprise gift given and received, and why?

64 thoughts on “Bringing back the very goods

  1. Very nice ‘goods’ you brought back from your trip! How wonderful that you treated your beautiful wife to the bracelet and how nice of the kids to surprise her with another bracelet! Lot’s of generosity in your family. 🙂


  2. Bro Mark, I love those socks! I think that would be my choice if I ever travel again, but mostly I collect tee shirts. My sis brings me tees, jackets and bags, charms or hats from Ireland, plus her fantastic fotos. I also tend to collect pens, with the names of the place emblazoned on the side. Most of them are dried up and never write, but I still love them, frustrating as they are. And, of course, post cards with pictures of the places I didn’t get to go while I was there. At one time I could scan those to my computer, add my photo, and suddenly I was in the picture.


  3. Beautiful bracelet (or is that two separate pieces?) and I love the socks. My only problem is…what if you lose the one that says “mark’s sock”? Is the other one still “Mark’s other sock??”


  4. wow you guys did good! you wear blue well Mark! Love the wind chimes, the jewelry- everything! Years ago I would buy a lot of things when I traveled, but I amasses so much that now I rarely buy anything. I did always like to buy something handmade by someone from the region I was visiting. It meant more to me then.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It is always extra special to bring back souvenirs to compliment your memories, Mark. I like the idea of jewelry and wind chimes. T shirts may fade or get spilled on but these may last for years! My girlfriend Jenny sprays a coat or two of clear acrylic on her metal sculptures and wind chimes to prevent rusting. I don’t have a yard but have passed this helpful hint on a few times! 🙂


  6. Just delighted Mark you and the Family had such a great memorable time at the 1st reunion! Loveeeeeee the socks! The gang brought pebbles and rocks home from the Georgia Mountain creek bed-remember! My most memorable gift or surprise was in Greece for our 12th anniversary at the end of April/May 2015. A 24K gold Greek Coin made into a pendant! I wear it proudly. Just not in our pool. LOL I too love magnets they reside on our extra refrigerator! That’s all folks…The Gatorette.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Love the socks and the T-shirt with the moose on it. I rarely bring souvenirs home, other than the photos. I did bring back a hairbrush from Carmel. They have this old-timey drug store where they sell Mason Pearson brushes, my husband bought me one (they are hard to find).


  8. For the last five years, Mark, my son Aaron and I look for snow globes to bring home for my boyfriend, Michael. Otherwise, I tend to focus on sightseeing, not buying. Great merch, though, especially those socks!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Colorado? First family reunion? I’ve got some catching up to do here! Will there be a second family reunion? How do I get an invite? 😀 Can I expect a gift? I’ll take the cool tshirt. PS: Aiden leaves for college in Colorado today ⚾️👊 Have a great week, Mark, and give Karen a hug from me ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • You do have some catching up to do, Angie McFly, and … Welcome Home! 😉 Second Family Reunion will be in two years, maybe Hawaii. Yes, you can come. Aiden is so smart to pick a college in Colorado. I’m on to your place to read. Have a great week, and hugs back to Arizona. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I love those socks. I would never find my name, but I could find The Mister’s!
    I’d generally choose a hoodie or a long-sleeve tee, clothes-wise, but I’d rather have something more permanent. Sounds odd, but I pick things I’ll see everyday. Sometimes pieces of jewelry, like charms or earrings, but sometimes a beautiful serving platter or even an umbrella. Things that will always take me back. (And I always snag postcards!)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m glad MDW Karen snagged me those socks, Joey. They only had a few names, so we all were amazed that Mark was among them!

      Permanent is good, which we feel about the chimes and the charm/bracelets. Also, the side of our fridge is full of magnets, of which we buy one at every vacation destination to mark the occasion forever. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

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