We have a butterfly bush blossom … but no hydrangea

In this slow season for the backyard butterfly garden behind the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood, we have finally two purple blossoms to photograph out of the four bushes.

Purple at the tip top.

Purple at the tip top.

I’m still blaming the cold spell and snow cover that did not melt from the first of the year until April.

The current darlings of the the triangle.

The current darlings of the the triangle.

Over to the right in our fenced off section, though, one bunch of white daisies is still runnng most pleasingly amuck.

Shoot, those were thick.

Shoot, those were thick.

Up front, the hostas did their best to push up violet flowers into our world. I think this is the thickest those blooms have been in the hourglass garden and the rectangle up close to the house.

No go on the hydrangea.

No go on the hydrangea.

Alas, it seems as if we will again have no flowering on our huge hydrangea in the right-side front rectangle, I fear. As big as it gets, this will be at least the second consecutive year that this plant has refused to bloom. We only need look over to Good Neighbor Tim’s place to see that it’s time.

Wonderful wife Lorraine's has already pushed out its blossom right next door.

Wonderful wife Lorraine’s has already pushed out its blossom right next door.

Wonderful Wife Lorraine’s love and care to her hydrangea has paid off with a blossom this year.

What’s blooming coming the end of July in your neck of the woods? What seems to be giving you more problems than usual this year? Is anything doing better than last year?

44 thoughts on “We have a butterfly bush blossom … but no hydrangea

  1. Hello, ‘ol friend! I’ve definitely been mia. Nothing personal, of course. Just enjoying being more present with Mr. B, family and friends AND enjoying the outdoors more. Our garden is booming with lush veggies! Brussel Sprouts, carrots, strawberries, cukes, cherry tomatoes, basil, etc. That’s what I’ve been watching grow and harvesting. 🙂


  2. The idea of daisies running amuck makes me quite happy MBM. I can’t tell you what I have blooming….but I did plant quite a few large pots of stuff. And they have bloomed like crazy since I planted them. I know I will have to replant next year. But using the pots works best for our own tiny place.


  3. i’ve heard, and i’ve done it, if you break off what look like the old, dry canes of hydrangeas they won’t bloom that year. maybe that’s it? you have lots of other lovely things going, luckily and hopefully the reluctant hydrangea will be in full bloom next year.


  4. The patience of a gardener…is that a thing?? This was a wet, rough Spring. Things are different. I am a first time basil planter, and just found out that the lovely bees that are frequenting the area are there for the flowers, which means the plant is going to seed. Who knew ??? Next time, I’ll harvest more leaves to keep it vibrant. Hang in there, Mark. ☺


  5. Your hydrangea looks healthy. Ron bought an eggplant by mistake this year. I planted it and have gotten about 6 eggplants off that one plant. It turned out to be a good mistake. It has been so hot that my green peppers are not doing well at all. Last summer was cooler and my veggies did well. Not this year. Your yard looks great.


  6. Our hydrangeas didn’t bloom last year, but they are this year. It’d be a long list to tell you what’s blooming, so I’ll just say a section of my shade garden got rust blight, and I am sad about it, but glad it was small. I really need my husband to MOW. lol


  7. I think the crape myrtles creeped up on me with their blooms this year. Seems everything is “off” somehow with the blooming season.


  8. I tried to grow a hydrangea here, but I suspect it is too hot and too dry – it did not fare well. I have a wisteria that has never, ever bloomed. Every year, I wait with anticipation, as everyone else’s wisteria blooms, but nothing ever happens. It just grows and grows, but no flowers. Oh well, maybe next year.


  9. The weather has been so strange this year, cold snap, heatwave, cold snap, heatwave and now heavy heavy rain! No wonder the plants are confused! But enjoy what you have it is full of life!!


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