Here comes that rainy day feeling again

Yes, Ellie B, it was raining half the night.

Yes, Ellie B, it was raining half the night.

Sometimes I don’t want to believe my ears.

Sometimes Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle doesn’t want to believe her eyes.

But as she jumped up on the bed and rustled me as my sun’s up alarm clock this day in mid-July, I knew what I’d been hearing. And as I let her out the back door to the porch of the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood, she knew what she was seeing.

Wet. Very. Gray.

Yeah. It had been pouring. Again. I have been attempting to blow it west toward too-dry California. Willfully.

Does your pet not want to venture out into the wet sometimes? Does your pet have a set morning routine? What’s the weather where you live today?

77 thoughts on “Here comes that rainy day feeling again

  1. Mark, its pouring here as well……I wonder if we will get any summer here or if we are heading straight to fall………:-(


  2. Nothing diverts my dogs from their routine walk. Come rain. Come shine. We’ve had several degrees of rain today before the clouds broke and the sun came out, didn’t like what it saw and went back in again. hope you get fairer weather and sunshine soon


  3. We had flash flooding here yesterday, and The Mister told me that the rain is supposed to reign for over a week. Sadie will go out in the rain if she’s really got to go. Sometimes when it comes down hard, she declines. She’s a good girl 🙂


  4. Keep trying to send it to California – King Canute springs to mind. Weather here today has been cloudy, sunny, rain, cloudy, rain, sun, rain , sun. No kidding.


      • John McEnroe wa commenting on the U.S. feed this morning! Plus, it lets me know how the weather is at my friend Rachel’s house. When they leave the roof open, that is. At Wimbledon center court stadium. I don’t think you can open and close your roof?


      • He is all over the place! Who’d have thought such a stropy teenager would turn into the man we see now?
        We can’t open the roof. Would have to invest in a pigeon dterent if we could. Wimbledon is in the west so the weather can be different there than here. It’s normally just a time delay though – if they have it we’re going to get it and vice versa. I am a bit torn today as i love Federer!


  5. We had the 7th wettest day in history yesterday and flood warnings abound. We have two cats so they don’t get out. The only time they notice the rain is when thunder is involved,and then they hide under the bed.


  6. Thank you! Your attempts at mind control are very much appreciated. Weirdly enough, it’s been cloudy in the mornings and then a burn off later…like a bit of June Gloom in July…but those morning clouds haven’t been bringing any of the wet stuff!!


  7. That’s the weather we’re having today, but I must admit that it’s a nice break from the heat. Love that I can have all my doors open and let in the cool, fresh air.


  8. It’s sunny and about 21C/72 F here in Ottawa this morning. We’ve had a bit of rain – very hard very very short periods of time (Yeah! No leaky roof!) but mostly it’s been sunny with average temps about 25C/80F. Excellent summer so far.

    Mostly I had cats and they would peek out the door before exiting. If it was raining or snowing, they would try to back away from the door. By times, they would check every half hour or so and when I got frustrated I would try to gently nudge them out with my foot. They would back right up my leg with their rear ends around my knee and keep their front paws rigid at the door sill. They had a litter box in the basement and had open access to it (and it was cleaned regularly) but they were indoor/outdoor cats and had to check things out occasionally – just making sure there were no intruders.


  9. I hope you’re successful at blowing it West, Mark. It’s wet here, too, and I’m tired of it! Yes, my cat wakes me promptly at 6:40 every morning whether I like it or not! And the answer it always NOT!


  10. i love it when it rains at night, everything seems fresh and green in the morning. nacho the cat not the food loves to go outside first thing every morning, right after he eats. a definite routine –


  11. My pets think I need to wake up at 6 AM every weekend and accidentally sleep in on work days. Routine enough at this point.


  12. I think it is time you invested in a raincoat for Ellie B, cuz. *sighs* Rain here too, again, yet the sun is peeking out a bit today. Do I dare hope????? ❤ cuz to the west


      • I bought a sweater for one of my cats. In trying to put it on her, this cat kept walking backwards in hopes it would come off. It was TOO funny but then I took pity on her and took the sweater off. This cat is no longer with me so when I look at this sweater, which I still have today, I smile remembering what I just told you.
        I took some pics in a gorgeous park the other day and the sun was actually shining. Hope to get them up soon to help make you smile. It has been a really disappointing summer, cuz. I’m still hoping that what is left will improve. Poor you having to wipe off Ellie B whenever she ventures outside. 😦


      • She is a mud magnet, Amy Rose! 😮 I am looking forward to some sunny photos from you. And your cat sweater story is a good one. A good memory from a good cat, I’m sure, my cuz from the west. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • My next post will probably be pics of the park, cuz. With me though, anything flies so if my Heart directs me to post something else instead, well, gee that is what will happen. I shot the most amazing mushrooms last evening. You would have got a kick if you had seen me. I had on yellow oil slick rain pants with suspenders, a hooded sweatshirt, and mud boots that go up to my knees. I was protecting myself from both mosquitoes and mud. What I do for a photo …. really? Yes, really!!! LOL Have a good day!!! ❤


      • The mosquitoes are a buzzin’ around here, too, cuz. But last night in the backyard of the Little Bitty I saw the 2015 debut of … wait for it … Lightning Bugs! Tonight I’ll see if I can capture the glow with my iPad. I doubted it last night, but your quote of “What I do for a photo” has changed my mind right here, Amy Rose. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Go for it, cuz!!! I actually right now have a sinus thing going due to being nose to nose with fungi. *sighs* Yep. What I do for a photo. They are amazing ….. for real. I put up HAPPY flowers on Petals today for a rainy day. I’m not blogging, yet gee, I seem to be typing this. Or is it my other self? I would LOVE to see the flicker of fire flies. Way cool, cuz. Do it!!! 🙂


      • Think upon this as you get those fireflies. I am allergic (VERY!) to mold and here I was crawling amongst hundreds of fungi. Gee, what WAS I thinking? At least with fireflies you won’t get a sinus thingy. Hehehehehe


      • The good news is …. I will live and I got REALLY COOL shots. Hubby gave me one antibiotic this morn and already I feel it clearing. That is all I need. I can breathe again compared to this morning when I had cement in my nose. 🙂 I be brave, cuz. A little dangerous at times … I see something and OH I have to get it. Good thing I have an anchor called hubby who says um, don’t think so, Ame. 🙂 *giggle* …. FYI … another rainy day here ….. unbelievable …. *sighs*


      • He’s heavy sometimes, yet, he does serve his purpose. I am a bit of a dare devel you might say, and having my head up in the clouds (as per hubby) I act spontaneously when at times this is good, yes, but others no. I’m getting better. I honestly never thought about my mold issue as I was ohhing and ahhing over these unbelievable mushrooms. Just got back from the Spa and now jumping into work by grabbing my floor cleaner and getting the floors washed. Good thing I have comments closed today and I am not blogging. Thank YOU for keeping me company, cuz!! ❤


  13. Lucky!!!!! No rain here, just sun, sun, sun and more sun. The trees and the plants have that look of exhaustion that we don’t normally see until late August. Supposed to only be in the 90s today – yippee!!! When we do have rain, Maxie the Golden Retriever doesn’t care, but Mikey the Great Dane will stand there looking at the raindrops and then turn around and go back inside. If he is totally desperate and has to pee, he tip-toes to the Japanese Maple that is right next to patio.
    Their routines in the morning consist of sitting on their mats on the patio until the sun is up, epic death battles, standing next to me and staring at me until I get up and go get their breakfast. Maxie will do a perimeter check to make sure all is well in the backyard.
    Thanks for trying to send us some rain – we appreciate the gesture!!!!!!!


  14. Saturday we had hail and cool temps 12c/54f. Today we are expecting sun-filled skies, 29c/85f and getting hotter each day after that Mark! We have fires burning in Northern Alberta, Saskatchewan and throughout BC too. ❤
    Diana xo


  15. Our dogs would stick their head out, feel the rain and back away from the door back into the house. It was always an ordeal taking them out when it rained! Can’t blame them, I’m no fan of the stuff myself!


  16. My pups have a set routine which they do not deviate from. Which they forget and deviate from when there’s a downpour like there is over London this week ^^


  17. 1. My pets are cats, Mark, so what might you assume about their venturing into the wet?
    2. Oscar has a set morning routine of helping me blog and Harley has a set morning routine of staying approximately 15 feet away from me.
    3. It’s warm and humid in Boston today. with a 60% chance of thunderstorms at 3 PM.

    Always good to know the weather where you are. Hi, Ellie B!

    Liked by 1 person

    • 1. I expect there would be worry if Oscar and especially Harley were to get out in the wild.

      2. I know their routines from your words and photos. Happily.

      3. I’m always glad to know the weather where you are. Hi, Oscar and Harley!

      Liked by 1 person

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