Happy Fourth of July from our colorful garden

Karen's bouquet to you.

Karen’s bouquet to you.

My dear wife Karen says she always wanted to have a combination of red, white and blue in a garden for the Fourth.

She was sort of surprised when I pointed out that this year in our backyard butterfly garden of the Little Bitty in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood, mission accomplished.

The blue is lavender and lupine. Red is bee balm. White is daisies.

Happy Holiday to those here in our country. Happy Saturday to everybody.

What are your plans for the Fourth? What do you mark with red, white and blue? What accidental color schemes have you noticed?

103 thoughts on “Happy Fourth of July from our colorful garden

  1. Gorgeous! I love seeing your garden.
    I dug red, white, and blue potatoes last night! I didn’t even make the correlation until I read your post this morning. Patriotic potatoes on the prairie. I hope you had a fabulous weekend!


  2. I’ve been so busy fighting bed bugs I haven’t had much time to think about holidays bro Mark. I have a jar with some that I’ve named, and can’t keep them separate, so I think I’ll just put a speck of paint on each of them so I can keep up with each “pet” and it’s name. Hopefully it will all be over on the 8th, when the apartment will be treated with high heat, and they will all croak! Right now I have a pathway thru the place, because I’m trying to get rid of anything that could harbor the bugs, while going ahead and saving the pest control people the effort of throwing some of the stuff on the floor themselves,. Actually I just haven’t been able to bag them up and take them to the garbage room yet. Four large bags a day are my limit, sometimes 6 when I push myself, but 6 makes me fall before the day is over.


      • It’s officially Tuesday now, so tomorrow a crew from the pest control company will be in here to work on it. I’ll have to leave at 7 a.m. and can’t come back til 6 pm, because it takes that long for the place to cool back down to cool enough for humans to live without passing out or having heat strokes. I’ve been forewarned by friends here who have had them that I’ll come home to find everything I own scattered on the floors. All the boxes I packed for my move down the hall…..


  3. As you know, I lived on a military base for years, so red, white and blue was a popular garden motif. My across the street neighbor had red, white and blue roses planted. They were spectacular! I have a yellow house, so I plant lotsa purple/s/blues, cause I just love how they stand out. Our last Indiana home was white and gray and I leaned strongly toward pinks and reds.
    Karen’s bouquet is lovely! 🙂


    • I bet the base was loaded with this blend, Joey, and it looked fab. I also think purple and blues will stand out against your yellow house in Indy land. Pinks and reds vs. the white, yes, indeed. Karen spend part of each day this weekend out there making all of her gardens look even better, too. Thank you. 🙂


  4. how beautiful and the perfect way to celebrate the holiday. a patriotic garden. hope you guys had a great 4th. we spent a very relaxing day here –


  5. I snuck my mom into someone else’s apartment and watched fireworks on their roof in Jersey City. Snuck is probably not the right verb here. However, we never made it to the party we were allegedly attending. The bottle of wine we brought is back on my counter unopened. The fireworks were amazing. I’ve vowed never to trek to Brooklyn again. This year was a way better view than last year, with a fraction of the drama and no danger of being trampled.


    • Now this sounds like a Fireworks vantage point fit for two queens, Wormy. Good job borrowing your friend’s apartment location to use the roof! I’m proud of that one. MDW Karen and I watched those Big Apple proceedings on our flat screen last night, and though spectacular, agreed, she thought they were exactly the same as the New Year’s Eve special we’d watched. Careful, New York City pyro guys. Change it up …

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I like that this garden is so festive, Mark and Karen. Fantastic how this bloomed and turned out red, white and blue! Enjoy the rest of this special weekend and hope you get to see beautiful fireworks with no mosquitoes or people bugging you 🙂 ☆*☆


  7. Mark, love the garden!!! We are presently on the patio listening to the birds and the pool filter. Will be retiring inside when the heat of the day hits. Not many plans today, other than me gleefully checking the laundry basket, which remains empty. The boys are up in Lake Tahoe at some big mansion, eating on someone else’s dime. Went with their friend for the weekend. Their friend’s Dad loves to cook, so he should be thrilled to feed my ravenous giants. So, just a quiet day here, listening to my husband curse at the flies on the patio. Hope you have a wonderful Fourth. Be safe!!!!!


  8. You guys have a beautiful garden, Mark. Today I’m going to a friend’s 50th birthday party. One day, I will be somewhere in the USA on the 4th of July to take in its celebration. I think that would be FUN! Happy 4th! ❤
    Diana xo

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  9. awh 🙂 hello honeys 🙂 yep, crikey, here we are a year on!
    yep… you did it, that garden of yours is perfect for today!
    Happy Independence Day lovely.
    🙂 and it seems that i did it too, smaller, but somehow, more beautiful, more perfect, happier.
    please see the garden pic here https://nikibayard.wordpress.com/2015/07/04/ive-been-preoccupied/
    god, a year ago 🙂 i remember your garden pics… and you so inspired me 🙂
    thank you my friend, deep gratitude.


    • Thank you, Rachel. Have Steve and Josh gotten over that awful own-goal in the Women’s World Cup? My heart cried for your player! I was rooting for a U.S.-Great Britain final.


      • they are right here so i asked them – both are ‘devastated and mortified’. None of us stayed up to watch the match. I think that considering the fact that girls here have only been playing football for the last 20 years they were brilliant! And loads better than our male football team.
        Did you see the womens tennis yesterday at wimbledon – our girl very nearly beat Serena Wiliams – I was pretty devasted that she didn’t as it would have been her biggest win.


  10. Happy 4th to you, Mark. Your accidental red, white, blue is lovely. With the rainy day forecast, we will be celebrating with Old Bay steamed shrimp, Blue Moon beer, and white corn…not planned, just improvised for the weather conditions. Swimming with the sharks postponed till later. ☺ Enjoy.


  11. Happy 4th MBM and DWK. My plans are to ride my bike in the sun, wish my fellow Americans a Happy 4th, and to thank those men and women sporting veteran apparel. And to be grateful I have the freedom to do whatever it is I want to do.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Been looking for red, white and blue tomatoes. Will just be safe and quiet here in Greensboro. In Miami tonight there will be dozens and dozens of loonies shooting guns into the sky.


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