Oh, to be 4

Cupcakes rule.

Cupcakes rule.

Spiderman leads leaps over blocks as high as their heads

Silly string shoots straight taking turns to build webs on the big old tree

Pizza and fruit salad and chips and dip feed all the old people in shifts

Eyes light up for singing because then comes


Three flavors of cupcakes and yes to all three

Gifts handed one-by-one and how did they know!

Happy Fourth Birthday, Evan! one more time as guests depart

What are we going to do here for my next birthday, Mom?

The party kept all family and friends of new 4-year-old Evan happy Saturday afternoon in the pretty little neighborhood park a mile or so from his house just outside the city of Syracuse.

This is the first of my entries in the Five Photos Five Series Challenge. My thanks to Amy Rose for nominating me to participate.

Here’s how this challenge works: You Post a photo each day for five consecutive days and attach a story to the photo. It can be fiction or non-fiction, a poem or a short paragraph that shares your insight or inspiration of or from the image.

Today I nominate LR. Have fun!

46 thoughts on “Oh, to be 4

  1. Pingback: Oh, to be 4 | Mark Bialczak – Mark writes great stuff. This is an example of some of his effortless, great stuff. He has a large following that agrees. | Link Statuses

  2. There is nothing better than a little tyke’s birthday, Mark. I loved your playful wording and pictures of all the fun elements of imagination, 3 flavors of cupcakes and Spider-Man!


  3. I bet if Evan’s mom answered the ‘what are we going to do for my birthday next year’ question, that Evan will not forget the answer and he’ll hold her to it, Mark! ❤
    Diana xo


  4. How I laughed out loud with this post, Mark! Oh what FUN this post is!! To see a face smeared in icing from a cupcake, oh what fun what glee to not be three (anymore)! And you are off to a wonderful start!!! May you fly and much JOY come from out of this challenge, as well as you discovering places in YOU that you didn’t even know about!!! YAY!!!!! Love, AmyRose ❤


    • Thank you for your kind words, and for sending me off to soar on my own two winds, my dear cuz to the west. You gave me a great push out of the nest, Amy Rose, and I had this challenge on my mind as I went to Evan’s party with my iPhone 6 yesterday. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Cuz, feeling the spirit of sadness begin to descend, your words put the GRIN back on my face as I head out the door for a walk with headphones. I was pushed out of the nest too, and YAY!!!! look what I went and done! Now the wheels go round and round and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next! Tee hee ….. ❤ ❤ ❤


  5. Cuppycakes! I love cuppycakes! ha! Wonderful photo Mark. What a great moment of celebration captured forever. Well done Mark. 😀


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