Does your dad need a doohickey for Father’s Day?

I thought my only object of attention at the local hardware store was a bundle of brown paper lawn refuse recycling bags.

But some stocker knew better than that.

Next to the register sat The Doohickey.

This baby does it all!

This baby does it all!

Didn’t your dad used to call anything with a name that somehow escaped his mind that wonderfully sounding nonsensical word?

A smart guy banked his million-dollar idea on the universal affection for the Doohickey.

The little gadget opens bottles, measures inches, cuts boxes, drives screws and wrenches loose stuff that needs wrenching. My goodness of all goodnesses, it even clips carbiners!

Let them explain further.

Let them explain further.

The back packaging goes on with more explicit details.

Put the Doohickey in your pocket and you’ll never be at loss for a tool to try. You will be a Doo Gooder, admired by all for your resourcefulness.

How's this for scale?

How’s this for scale? More uses than the Bic as well!

And this baby is small! It’s barely bigger than your last two quarters rubbing together.

The pricing is right, too, at a mere $4.99.

I am now the proud owner of my own Doohickey. I vow to bring it in my pocket everywhere. Except that airplane flight coming up …

Happy Father’s Day, everyone! May there be plenty of Doohickeys and not so many Thigamajigs in your future.

Doohickey or thigamajig for your word of escape? Would you fall for this pitch or go on home without your own Doohickey? What did you get or buy this Father’ Day?

101 thoughts on “Does your dad need a doohickey for Father’s Day?

  1. U used to buy my Dad all sorts of the sort of things which I remember him fondly calling thrm, “gadgets.” Kind of like we all thought of MacGyver and his gadgetry. Then, my own kids liked, “Go,Go Gadget!” We don’t call objects “dohickey’s” or “thingamajigs.”
    Now, to digress, my Grandma called us “Who’sit’s” and what things she could not locate, “what’sits.” :):)


    • In my comment above, I meant “we” not “U.”
      I have a heck of a time with my cell phone, Mark! It thinks it knows what I want to say 😦
      So glad you saw a movie and will check back tomorrow to see which one. Also glad you had another time well spent with Elisabeth and George plus Karen:) in other words, a perfect Father’s Day, Mark! xo


      • Yes, it was good, Robin. We said ‘Inside Out.’ It was cute! Review tomorrow morning right here, as you figured. 🙂 You know the Monday routine by now.

        Yes, when I text on my phone half the words turn out to be different than what I mean!


  2. For years, Dads probably dreaded Father’s Day because they knew what gifts they’d get: soap-on-a-rope or a tie. This Doohickey thing is a game changer and I’ll bet it’s on every Dad’s wish list.

    As far as the TSA confiscating the Doohickey, I’d be wary. When we were returning from Rome last Sunday, one guy was pulled aside because he had bottles of wine as part of his carry on. I sure hope he got thru. But if they’d question something as sacred as wine, I doubt the Doohickey would pass muster. 😉


  3. I asked The Mister if he wanted a doohickey and he said No. He says he doesn’t want anything, but I think that’s only because the big kids are sending him loving text messages. He’s verklempt and that’s hard to beat 😉


  4. My poor dad got so many ties… these days he needs a cortisone shot for the pain in his back caused by degenerating discs and I’m trying (long distance) to move this appointment up because he can’t walk with this pain and every day that goes by his muscles atrophy more and more. I bet if he had the choice, he gladly recieve another tie instead Mark.

    Happy Father’s Day to you Mark and may your new doohickey get you out of a lot of jams. ❤
    Diana xo


    • I’m sorry that your dad is in pain, Diana, but I know you are doing your very best to help long distance. Happy Father’s Day to you and your pops. Thank you, my friend, for your words and thoughts, as always. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Whoever marketed this baby is a genius. Of course I remember the doohicky! LOL You know, the watchamacallit doohicky. Too funny!!! But brilliant! I bet this little tool makes money hand over fist! LOL (((HUGS))) AmyRose ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Beth. You are among a few of my friends now who have made me realize that even placeholder words are regionalized, as my thigamajig is your thingamajig! Happy Father’s Day, Peaches, to you and your big family. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in the world!

    That gadget is cool, however my hubby, father and grandfather are all tradesmen so they have their own massive collections of tools and would probably laugh at me if I bought them such a thing. So for grandpa, I bought him a watch to count the minutes until he sees me again, my dad I bought a leather bound copy of “Gray’s Anatomy” because he decided to switch careers and is now in nursing school (still has all of his tools though), and for my hubby I bought him a copy of “AMERICAN SNIPER” on Blu-ray, a huge mug with the American flag on it, and our son painted the American flag on canvas for him.


  7. My dad passed away in 1992, but I definitely need my very own doohickey, only I would call it a thingy. We all need a doohickey though. If I can find them, I’ll start my Christmas shopping for the guys in the family by getting each of them a doohickey. Ya know, bro Mark, everyone should have a doohickey. Oh, how I love that name. Everyone should have a doohickey. Doohickey this and doohickey that, doohickey all day long. Happy Doohickey, oops, I mean, Happy Father’s Day brother Mark.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I would be tempted to buy the doo hickey as I am always attracted to thingamajigs too. I often use the word Shmitchik, which when I looked up the actual meaning found this: (n.): a general placeholder word for any kind of small object, part or gizmo, for which the actual name is unknown or forgotten.


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