Pow go the peonies

It hit the 80s yesterday here in the Syracuse city neighborhood of Eastwood.

Today they weather guy is calling for a high of 88º F, a record high for this May 26.

Grand opening.

Grand opening.

The peony is front of the Little Bitty likes it. A lot. Almost 3D, is this shot taken a few moments ago not? And can’t you almost smell the flowers?

Terrific or terrible Tuesday for you? What’s the latest grand opening you’ve attended? How hot is too hot in your book?

104 thoughts on “Pow go the peonies

  1. Your camera and post about the peonies is ‘spot on,’ Mark! I can almost smell their sweet aroma and see the three dimensional effects and wish I could have a few to put in water. Smiles!


    • They don’t last long, Robin. Look here tomorrow morning, in fact. 😦 Also, people have warned that brought inside, ants also come marching in. We have not brought any of the flowers indoors this season.


  2. Your picture brings back memories of the peony I had in the country Mark. I remember the sweet smell, even this many years later. I just heisted your photo for my files if you don’t mind. It’s gorgeous, and I enjoy looking at pretty pictures like that. I’ll probably print it out when I move to the new apartment and hang it on the wall. We call it scrap-lifting in the scrapbooking circles. And your name will go on the picture when I print and frame it.
    Our air was turned on today (Wednesday), and while it isn’t fully cooled off yet, it’s getting there and feeling great. I planted a basil and re-potted my sweet potato vines today as well, so I’m working on my garden too. Guess you do what you can with what you have.


      • Thanks little brother. You have more interesting places to go than we do. They’ve turned everything here to concrete. And who wants to look at concrete?


  3. Pingback: Pink Peony | Passion through Poetry

  4. Eh. Today was good. Still haven’t read this morning’s paper. That kind of day.
    I’m ticked, and jealous, seeing the hot crimson peony in your garden. I only ever saw fluttery pink ones in my neck of the woods. 🙂


  5. Beautiful peonies! I wish we still had our flowers, but we moved last summer and my mom hasn’t gotten a chance to plant any new ones. It’s been raining all weekend (which I adore) and will for the rest of the week – we got a break from the downpour today, though.

    It gets in the 100s here sometimes…personally anything above 70 is too much; I enjoy the cold.


    • I hope you get some new flowers in your life soon, Victoria. They really do raise the spirits! And 100s is too darn hot, I say. I hope you are well as your last summer break as a high schooler comes upon you. 🙂

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  6. my peony tree bloomed and the blossoms are already starting to blow away, my other peonies have yet to debut, they are a bit more shy. beautiful shots, mark and i say, bring on the heat!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful shot! Love it!! It is rainy here in Pensacola, FL. We got a couple inches already this morning and more on the way. Have a great day Mark! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful photo! After the winter we had, I don’t want to complain, but it has been hot and humid – so much for spring weather! I was at Cedar Point yesterday, and it was uncomfortable waiting in lines…hate that! I love roller coasters, but the lines are something I’m almost getting ready to give up – but then again, my kids won’t let me!


  9. Still gorgeous! Love them all open like that, they smell even more pungent when they open.
    I can’t tell when the picture was taken. Mid afternoon yesterday?
    I like it cool. Summer is not my favorite thing at all, but I do love the garden mid-summer and my arthritis complains less when it’s hot 🙂 I like 65, overcast and damp. Anything above 75 and I’d rather just stay inside, or at least in the shade.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I suppose that’s a welcome relief for you after the winter you had. Are you enjoying the warmer temps. It’s still May Gray cool here but supposed to warm up into the high 80s and 90s by the end of the week. Sunday we’ll be heading to Vegas where it will be about 10 degrees hotter (100!!) Too hot? Uh, I think so.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. You guys will melt up there in that kind of heat won’t you! I miss my peonies from my old house they were beautiful, my daughter would then like to pick them and bring them in the house and it was a week or raid and various other ant pesticides before we finally got them all out of the house.


  12. Love them, yours are beautiful. Are they the ones that the ants love so much ?? Vague memories of bringing them into the house as a kid, and having to lose the livestock. ☺ Van


  13. Gorgeous Mark – the peonies that is. 😀 It rained all day here yesterday and i was out grocery shopping. You could smell the earth and growing things. It was wonderful. It is sunny and supposed to be hot today a for a few days – after yesterday’s watering, i expect everything will grow like crazy..


    • That likely will happen after a rain day and now cranking up the heat, Paul. Yesterday you could smell it. Today you will be able to hear it! Enjoy nature’s best in Ottawa, my friend. 🙂


  14. First off the Peony is GORGEOUS! Love them!
    Here in AZ…. 80-90 is perfect. Not having the humidity makes it perfect! Now… when it starts climbing over 95 I start to not enjoy the outdoors here.
    It’s a terrific Tuesday for me.


    • I wonder why ours got such a head start, Amy Rose? Maybe the heat collects on our corner of the Little Bitty there because of the driveway and the house? Well, your beauty will be phenomenal, I know, cuz to the west. ❤

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      • I have all the Peony braces ready to put up, cuz. My Peonies get SO huge that the stalks cannot support them. So hubby last year devised a system to put a restraining “wall” around each plant in order for those glorious flowers to stand tall. Any day now, they will open, I just know it!!! Perhaps you are warmer where you are. Lake Erie is quite close to where we live. Hmmmm …. I find it odd that your Peonies are open already. Something else for me to ponder upon today … another Mystery …. (smile) Have a beautious day, cuz from the east!!! ❤ ❤ ❤


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