Time flies when you’re having font

I’ve been at this blogging thing for one week shy of 25 months.

It seems like a week ago that I hesitatingly posted my introductory piece, a bio. With no pictures.

It seems like 250 months ago that I decided to post at least once a day.

Anyway, according to the math of the WordPress monkeys, I’ve reached a milestone. Yesterday, they sent me this notification.

That's a lot of asdfjkl';'s.

That’s a lot of asdfjkl’;’s.

I couldn’t have done it without my dear wife Karen, Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle and you, dear readers, followers, friends.

Thank you.

See you in, what, a couple of minutes …

Is once a day or more too much for you when you’re reading my blog? Is there something you’d like to see more or less of here? If you could pick one thing you haven’t seen me write about yet but would like to read here, what would that be?

54 thoughts on “Time flies when you’re having font

  1. Congratulations on the 1000, Mark! Yay! I’m sorry when I miss one of your prolific and prodigious posts. I try my best to keep in step. And don’t change a thing (’cause you’ve got that swing).


  2. Congrats! Really impressive. I enjoy your posts. I will admit, if someone posts more than one a day and I’m having one of those behind on reading and too many people posted days, I often only read one. But your posts are good so most days you’re one of the rare ones for whom I’ll read however many you post.


  3. Congrats on having 1,000 things to say! Me and Da Reege are proud to have inspired….. well, one of them. I just passed 750 recently, so it’s probably gonna be another year before I get that cool 1K badge,,,


    • You have inspired me to keep going with the streak, Bill, helping me with the WordPress stat math regarding DST after the monkeys told me I missed a day, remember? That at the Reege holiday card kept me going for the month of January, for God’s sake. 🙂 Seriously, you do your thing so well, it’s inspiring. Don’t forget that. You’ll get the cool 1000 badge before you know it.


  4. Nothing about your blog ever bothers me Mark. And congratulations! I feel bad that I have lost all ability to control time in the last month or two and haven’t been able to put my attention to posts like I want to. I love your blog world. It’s welcoming. It’s colorful. It’s musical. It’s active. It’s comfortable. It’s varied. It’s never static. 🙂 It’s a living ‘thing’.


  5. Hey congrats. That’s one hell of milestone. According to WordPress, I just posted number 881, but that includes nearly 300 I imported from my old blog site, so really it’s closer to 600 posts in the 20 months I’ve been blogging on WordPress. So I appreciate the magnitude of creating 1,000 posts in 25 months. Good for you.


  6. Wow 1000 – congratulations Mark!

    I don’t think it matters so much if one or more posts is too much for me Mark, it’s what feels good and right to you that matters. ❤ You're one of my faves here in the blogisphere and although I am not always able to read every post you write (I follow about 200 blogs!) I do try to read at least one of your posts every day. Keep doing what you are outstanding at doing my friend! 😀
    Diana xo


  7. you are like an ultra-marathoner in the blog universe, mark. congrats. never too many for my taste, and i happen to enjoy many of the same interests you do, so i’m a bit biased, but happy with the way your blog is, and i’m happy you added pics.


  8. I have to be perfectly honest. I hear crickets chirping when I am reading your blog posts on sports. Sorry, but I am not into sports. But I know that most people are and it would be a shame for you to stop posting about this beloved subject just because of me. 😉 So, keep up what your doing!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I wish I could be as prolific in posting as you are. I’ll be coming up on 3 years in October and I still think I have less than 500 posts… though I cannot say I’ve never deleted one or many posts due to various reasons. 🙂


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