The Head gets around, unbeknownst to this body

The adventures of my Gravatar continue.

Or, if you prefer: The Head Will Roll.

Novelist Rachel Carrera got a kick out of my Sunday post showing off how other WordPress blogging friends have interpreted the photo I’ve used for my Gravatar since I started this site in early 2013.

Writer Rachel is also wedding photographer Rachel on the weekends, with great knowledge of photo-shopping technology. And apparently, vast access to old photos.

On my Facebook page Tuesday morning was a private message with some photos attached. “Since you asked, I rose to your challenge,” Rachel says.

Paging Dr. Carrera …

Diplomatic immunity?

Diplomatic immunity?

She took The Head to visit Presidents of these United States.

Hey, that's not my hand!

Hey, hold your own hand!

She allowed The Head backstage access to George, John and Ringo. Paul was off visiting the loo.

Mounds of trouble.

Mounds of trouble.

She slipped The Head into the uniform of Mets hero Tom Seaver and got him onto the pitching mound at beloved New York ballpark Shea Stadium to mimic the form that ace hurler George Thomas used to bring the Metsies to that unexpected and forever celebrated 1969 World Series title.

Pip Pip!

Pip Pip!

And because two Heads can be better than one, Rachel put The Head in a spot of royalty with that of my dear wife Karen.

Thank you, Rachel Carrera.

What a character The Head has turned out to be. He’s tougher to pin down than Waldo.

Where do you think The Head may turn up next? Do you think The Head can get a movie contract, like Forrest Gump? Should The Head start practicing singing the “I ain’t got nobody” chorus from “Just a Gigolo” for karaoke night?

Fish of Gold

69 thoughts on “The Head gets around, unbeknownst to this body

  1. How did I miss this the first time around? Was I not following your blog back then?!?

    I’m super impressed…. you’ve been everywhere! The trick is figuring out who the head has replaced… we’ve got Paul McCartney, Tom Seaver, and Prince Charles (though it’s tough to say with that lady’s head replacing Diana’s)…. but who is that guy chillin’ with Nixon and Carter. Ford? The height looks appropriate…


    • That Lady is my dear wife Karen, answer to No. 1.

      Bill Clinton, four living presidents, answer to No. 2, I believe, Dave.

      You have to come up with answers if you want to get around like this.


  2. The pics are amazing Mark – the Head gets around. I gotta say you and Karen look natural as Royalty. I’d vote for you to be King any day (and Karen as Queen, of course)..


  3. Pingback: I Warned You Things Would Get Weird in November | Love Marriage Worms

  4. That last photo – it looks like your two heads really belong! (I feel so bad I haven’t got you both to that famous road yet. So bad. 😦 )


  5. This is truly fantastic and also terrifying. The Head seems to have a life of its own. Pretty soon it’s going to abandon you and get its very own blog, having nothing to do with body. Are you ready for this?? Does the body have a plan?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Q: Where do you think The Head may turn up next?
    A: Brașov, definitely Brașov.
    Q: Do you think The Head can get a movie contract, like Forrest Gump?
    A: Probably not like Forrest Gump, but possibly like this:
    If the Head should get such an offer, I would suggest that the Head decline said offer and stick to modeling.
    Q: Should The Head start practicing singing the “I ain’t got nobody” chorus from “Just a Gigolo” for karaoke night?
    A: Absolutely! The Head should start NOW.


  7. “Where do you think The Head may turn up next?”

    That sounds like the tagline for a horror film, which I know isn’t right! :-0


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