Of Mr. Met, BlogHead and Captain Poblano

Way back in spring 2013, I had my best friend KP snap a shot of me at the golf course during our first round of the season. You bet I was a happy guy.

I decided to use it as the primary head shot for this here blog of mine, what with my black straw-ish fedora, rose-colored glasses and ear-to-ear.

Good call. I say that because I’ve turned up in some interesting forms in great places, three times now.

First Maria, Brickhouse Chick, decided to include The Head during her Spring Makeover Special.

My future was so bright I had to wear shades.

My future was so bright I had to wear shades.

Mr. Met, a rookie card, next to Hall-of-Famer Tom Seaver? I don’t care that Topps misspelled my name as Bill Denehy.

Then my friend Colleen, the famed Chatter Master, decided to draw her likeness of The Head in her Gallery of BlogHeads.

Me or Sinatra? (Illustration by Chatter Master)

Me or Sinatra? (Illustration by Chatter Master)

I love the way her drawings make you look 25 pounds lighter.

Now this week, my host duties for Nano Poblano brought my combination of vowels and consonants and The Head into the spotlight as a team.

Love Marriage Worms drew The Head for her Name Game post.

Spicy pose, no? (Illustration by Love Marriage Worms)

Spicy pose, no? (Illustration by Love Marriage Worms)

I gladly add Captain Poblano to my lifetime supply of nicknames.

Still the original. (Photo by KP)

Still the original. (Photo by KP)

Some people say you should change out your Gravatar every year. The Head will remain a while longer, thank you.

Fish of Gold

Have you found a photo of yourself in surprising places, and if so, explain if it was good or bad, please, with reasons. Has anybody every drawn you without your knowledge, and if so, explain if you thought the result was good or bad, please, with reasons. What do you think I should wear for my next version of The Head?

64 thoughts on “Of Mr. Met, BlogHead and Captain Poblano

  1. Pingback: It may not sound that way, but I am grateful | Mindful Digressions

  2. Pingback: I Warned You Things Would Get Weird in November | Love Marriage Worms

  3. El Capitan es el mejor! 🙂 You are a good sport allowing us to paste your face or stick figure in places where they don’t necessarily belong. 🙂 You have such a friendly face that it goes well in and on anything! 🙂


  4. I like your trading card; I like your drawing; I like your head shot! As long as you’re not holding up a little sign with numbers, it’ll be good. 😀 Would you like me to Photoshop your face into something else? *Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!* (Okay, maybe I won’t wait for permission; I’ll just have to surprise you!) 🙂


  5. Oh, what lovely drawings of you! I could see either of these other photos being future Gravitars. I’ve had a couple of drawings done of me.. One was a little too sad to seem like it was me, but really nice nonetheless. The other, just no. 🙂


  6. Hi Captain! or should that be Aye, aye Captain? My gravatar is a thirteen year old pic – I’m looking into the eyes of my week old daughter! So you go right ahead and keep your head for as long as you wish mark.


  7. That’s a spicy pepper. I would call him Pablo Poblano. Glad your hat was small enough that it didn’t extend beyond the frame, like Pharrell’s Smokey the Bear hat.


  8. Your gravatar image is pretty iconic. If you change it, you’re going to need a hat, sunglasses, and a smile in the new one. Think of it like the McDonald’s arches for your blog: people see them and know what they are, just like your pic. Honestly, the pic you have now is pretty awesome.

    As for the other questions, I haven’t found surprising photos of myself or been depicted in art or photography without my knowledge.


    • Do I sense a bit of sarcasm in the “way back in 2013” and “great memory” statement, my dear friend Diana? I know, it’s only last year. I like your changing pictures and theme, Diana. I’ve changed my theme once. But not the Gravatar. I may change the theme again. My Nano Poblano teammate Cheney is a blog code/theme expert and has said she is going to look and tinker and suggest for me to better her skills and up my ante. But I don’t think I’ll mess with The Head as my gravatar.


  9. Isn’t your Gravatar part of your blog’s brand? You don’t want to mess with it too often. I’ve used the same one for about five years now and have been thinking about updating it but I do love it. St. Lucy holding two eyeballs on a plate. You can’t get funnier than that.


    • Now I have to buy a sombrero? Could I wear it as a golf hat, Kimi? Bowling, maybe? My finances are such that it needs to be multi-purpose. 🙂 Just kidding. But Nano Poblano is over in two weeks, you know. 😮


  10. It’s always interesting to see gravatar images closer up… you see stuff you can’t make out when it’s just some tiny icon next to a blog name. For instance… I don’t think I ever noticed you were wearing a hat. OK, that was just me being oblivious… but still, the point stands.


    • I know exactly what you mean, Bill. I never noticed that you were a cartoon squirrel, either! Dang. No, I did. But the gravatars are kinda smaller than a pencil eraser on some themes, but larger on others.


  11. Captain Poblano would be an awesome superhero! You have been great handling this, encouraging participants and I am meeting new (to me) bloggers along the way still.

    I like your gravatar! I need to change mine but can’t think of anything else I want right now. Deadpool in a pink spacesuit I shall stay then until inspiration strikes!


  12. Too funny! Next, why not you on the sidelines of a Terp football game, in Maryland colors, with headset and assistant coaches next to you?


  13. all fantastic, mark and i like your gravatar as it is, it speaks to your personality and happy demeanor. i’m glad you’re not changing it. as for your next fun head shot, maybe your head placed atop ellie b’s body?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I like your Gravatar Mark – the picture is so friendly looking. On another topic – you’re doing an awesome job with No Pablo or whatever it’s called. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

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