Oh, how we enjoyed our Sunday drive … and putting

We hadn’t been out on the course together in more than a month, me and my boys, so we were definitely ready to get together for our Sunday round at the Links at Erie Village.

KP called on Wednesday and found plenty of morning tee times, took a straw poll on the greens fee-and-cart cost of $44 and called back on Friday to get the starting slot of 9:55 a.m. all for ourselves.

It was gray, with a threat of rain and the promise of a good time for all.

The rain held off. We saw some sun. Tater’s drives all seemed to land down the middle. Netti, a photographer by trade, caught a photo of me with bent driver in hand that so takes my breath away that I’ve decided to turn this edition of “Golfing with …” into a pictorial Sunday Drive.

Down the middle for Tater. Again.

Down the middle for Tater. Again.

I didn’t too badly with the old iPhone 4 myself on this one. Look for the white spot on the right side. That’s the golf ball coming off Tater’s driver.

So much power for Netti.

So much power for Netti.

Once Netti cured his left-of-us problem, he was slamming his tee shots 50 yards past my ball, and in the fairway, too.

KP's concentration.

KP’s concentration waggle.

KP slows the world down to put his entire focus on his tee shot. And it works. To find my lost shots, I can usually go to KP’s ball in the fairway, then veer off to the right rough to search. We call it Even Steven, distance-wise.

What am I doing to that driver?

What am I doing to that driver? (Photo by Netti)

Netti looked at the photo he’d taken before he handed me my phone and said something about the bend he’d gotten on my driver. I stuck the phone in the cart and down the fairway we went.

When I got home I looked at the photos and thought … Really? I had no idea. I also don’t know what that means about my swing, or what it should be doing to my shot.

Tater rolls one on the green. (Photo by Netti)

Tater rolls one on the green. (Photo by Netti)

And because Netti knows how to take a picture on the putting green at a far better angle than I ever do, I offer you this photo of Tater tossing the Titleist toward the hole. Pretty.

My great friends, Tater, Netti and KP, savoring our Sunday.

My great friends, Tater, Netti and KP, savoring our Sunday.

And, finally, that fine spot, the 19th hole, where we talk of life.

If you’d like to read my weekly community blog on Syracuse Public Media site waer.org, click the link below.


Would five hours be too much for you to set aside to play golf with your friends on a weekend day? OK, would six hour to socialize afterward stretch the limit with your loved ones, and if so, tell us about the welcome home scene that might occur? What’s your furthest Sunday drive, and where did you end up (not relegated to golf, of course)?

39 thoughts on “Oh, how we enjoyed our Sunday drive … and putting

  1. Mark, the photos ARE great and I was happy for you men to have this time together, catching up!
    I think it is good to have other outlets, since you and Karen have many times where you share rides, music, dinners and other things. As far as my life, I don’t have anyone but my children and grandies, who all hope I have a good time where-ever I end up! I liked watching my grandson Skyler jump off the two low diving boards and the high dive, too. I captured him mid-air a few times. One shot, which we may have called the ‘scissors,’ he calls, ‘touch my toes’ jump, I caught the legs out and his fingers touching while it looks like a mid-air ‘splits.’ I used to not mind if my exes were busy, I would sometimes catch a girlfriend and go shopping or out to lunch. These days, I hope for half day Fridays, since my friend, Jenny, likes to get home by the time her husband gets out of work.


  2. yes, i would go for spending the full six hours, or whatever it took, in order to reconnect. hopefully, my person at home, although it is just nacho and i at them moment, would be understanding of the need to do this occasionally. on a sunday drive, i’ve gone to ohio and ended up at an amusement park – good times –


    • The Ohio amusement park is a great Sunday drive, Beth. Bravo on that choice! And Nacho must be considered. Karen and I have to limit our away time to Ellie B’s house endurance, too.


  3. Mark,
    Last Tuesday golf league next week…gonnna be an all out fun fest! Bird is rumored to buy a new car for any hole-in-one. China Chen will be there to plead for your return as well….think about it….


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