Can’t let a rainy last Friday get us down

Front window report, wet.

Front window report, wet.

Even before Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle stirred me for her morning let-me-out session, I’d heard the news today, oh boy.

Pitter-patter on the roof.

One look out the front kitchen window confirmed what the Boston weather report had warned the night before.

Our last full day not in Syracuse would start with rain.

The front deck of the cottage was soaked.

Back patio, soaked.

Back porch report, wet.

Ellie B heard me up and about, and rushed out to the back porch to be released to the fenced backyard.

I remained inside the screened back porch and saw the scene.

The back patio of the cottage was soaked.

Rainy day Cape Cod getaway.

Rainy day Cape Cod getaway.

No problem.

My dear wife Karen and I would hit the 11:50 a.m. showing of “22 Jump Street” at the South Dennis 12 multiplex.

People in this part of the Cape like the $6.50 matinee on a rainy day. Just $3 more for 3D.

People in this part of the Cape like the $6.50 matinee on a rainy day; just $3 more for 3D.

We were far from the only ones to choose the first movie showing on this rainy Friday.

In our theater, I’d estimate more than 100 people following the antics.

(My weekly film blog review will run Monday morning on, teased here, too.)

DQ here, not home.

DQ here, not home.

Immediately afterward, we drove to the DQ for a late lunch.

There are no Dairy Queens anymore in Syracuse, or anywhere near Syracuse.

Karen particularly appreciates the Dairy portion of their offerings.

She’s the one heading in ahead of me, the picture taker.

The rest of the day we fought off the oh-no-it’s-over-tomorrow blues.

Today we leave the lovely cottage and drive back home to Syracuse.

What do you do to fight off the last-full-day-of-vacation blahs? Is there a fast food chain that you don’t have in your hometown that you try to visit when you see it elsewhere? What food do you order the most when you’re out of town, and why?

48 thoughts on “Can’t let a rainy last Friday get us down

  1. Leave it to you and the Real Mrs. B to make the best of the day! I too have had less than optimal weather on vacation and my crankiness takes over. 🙂 There is a place on the Cape, Sesuit Harbor Cafe in Dennis (I should have told you about), that is my all time fave! It’s right on the harbor and has the BEST ‘lobstah’ rolls on the Cape. To fend off our depression once our vacation is over, we stop there on the way home for one last roll. 🙂


  2. The last day of vacation is filled with photo opportunities and walking around the town once again. But in the case of your rain that would be difficult. At that point, I think I’d just leave early and go home. 😦 But you had a very creative way to spend your last day. I don’t think going to the movies would have occurred to me in a strange town. 🙂

    When I lived in Kingston, NY, there was no Taco Bell and no Olive Garden. The closest TB was in Newburgh so I always made it a point, coming or going, to stop there. The closest OG was on the far side of Poughkeepsie, so that was only an occasional stop as well. MY favorite restaurant in the world, which is now sadly out of business, was Chi-Chi’s and the closest one was in Framingham, MA and I tried to go at least once a month. Where I live now in Florida, there are none of my favorite restaurant chains. I LOVE New York Fries in Toronto and Mr. Sub in Toronto and also of course Tim Horton’s, also in Canada. Oh, and of course I can not exclude the BEST pizza, John’s Pizza in Greenwich which obviously means a short walk to Rocco’s for dessert! THOSE two are an AWESOME combination of yumminess!

    Excellent post! Safe travels home to wake up “back in Syracuse” once again. 😀


  3. Mark! Son Aaron and I went to see “22 Jump Street” last night, after we had dinner (as pictured in my blog post today). I also wanted to tell you I am letting go of disappointment about your reading an incomplete post of mine, this morning, after I hit the “publish button” too soon.

    Also, I’m glad you were in my neck of the woods/Not in Syracuse, whether the weather was good. Maybe next time, the families can meet up (maybe at some fast food chain we all like).


  4. Sounds like a perfect day for me, a down time with a funny movie (I hope!!) and Dairy Queen! I hope you found something light in sugar or at least, had a nice hamburger or chili dog, Mark! I like their different ice cream freezes, (Blizzards) but like the sundaes the best! Fun times, sorry it all has to come to an end… take care and listening to the rain, while lying in bed can be nice, too….


      • Oh, now I am wishing for onion rings! Glad I found a good call on the dog! I am so proud of how you are careful with your body. I have a dear friend, the one who spends most of the year in Miss. and the few ‘hurricane months’ in Charlevoix, Michigan. She tells me good choices she makes for her diabetic diet, too. I am glad to know a variety of choices to carry on conversations with her. take it easy, Mark! Library is closing at 5 today and off I go!


      • Well, Robin, onion rings are not the best choice, don’t tell her that! But as long as I try to walk off the carbs, I can eat some fried delights, just not every darn day!


  5. I used to have a boss who EVERY single time I took a vacation, he took the following week. So my last night off he would call and go over a bunch of crap. It used to make me SO mad. It was like he cut me short of my time off. And how can you go wrong with a DQ Blizzard, carmel cheese quake please! 🙂


    • I think you were within your right to say to him. “I’m still on vacation. Leave me a note. I’ll read it in the morning when I’m back on the clock.” What an idiot of a boss, Colleen.

      Karen got a DQ cone, one of those kind dipped in chocolate so it hardens and looks like a candy bar on top of the vanilla ice cream. Yeah. It looked good.


  6. Sometimes rain helps us leave, yes? Imagine if it were a perfect day and how you might yearn to stay longer… I’m always reluctant to leave but once I’m headed home I anticipate it eagerly. There’s no place like home. 🙂
    Diana xo


  7. Karen looks like she’s on a mission in that photo. Ha! I really like Arby’s beef and cheddar and will hunt them down whenever I’m in a town with a restaurant. It’s a bummer when your last vacation day turns out to be rainy but you had a few dandy days to savour. I usually do what you guys did – find a movie or a mall. Although, a drive on rural roads and through forests can be very nice in the rain too. Just not the big roads. You and Karen have a safe trip home Mark.


    • She was on a mission to get inside, and to get our lunch. The movie lasted to 2, and we were hungry! I love the Arby’s beef n cheddar. Luckily we have that franchise in Syracuse. And malls are good on rainy days, yes, as are rural road drives. Thanks, Paul, we will drive home safely.


  8. The return slog is such a grind. But you’re returning to a beautiful home in a great neighborhood with a nice collection of stills and of course with your dear Karen and Dogomous P. at your side. Drive safely bro! Xo


  9. The last day of a holiday is always a bit sad, and you want it to be glorious in more ways than just the weather, but it’s also lovely to be home and sleeping in your own comfy bed, too…


  10. well it is always a bit bittersweet on the last day of a vacation, i have generally gotten into the rhythm of a place and enjoy the slow pace, but i always look forward to being home too. it looks like you were able to rise above the rain and the last day blues. a visit to see a fun movie and a stop at dq is still a vacation day in my book ) and i love the nod to the beatles. looking forward to your review of jump ) safe trip back, my friend.


    • Thank you, Beth. Oh-blah-de-oh-blah-da, life goes on …

      I’m now going to write that review of which we speak.

      What a hockey game to watch last night! Rangers lost, but Kings won the Cup in 2nd overtime, and I to witness the love players have for Lord Stanley’s trophy still gives my goose bumps!

      Still gray and rainy here this morning.

      Long drive ahead.

      Thanks, my friend.


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