Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Dr. Patricia Wright: Heroes in different ways



The ninth installment of the Marvel Comics series comes charging into theaters this weekend.

“Captain America: The Winter Soldier” features our hero teaming with Black Widow to battle Russian villain Winter Soldier.

In the streets of our nation’s capital, they fight for the right … to have a 10th installment in the future. And freedom.

Meanwhile, Syracuse gets a documentary in the domed IMAX theater at the Museum of Science and Technology for a six-month run before its released to commercial IMAX theaters.

“Island of Lemurs: Madagascar” follows the endangered species in the title as they try to survive the changes in the real world. Morgan Freeman narrates the story of Dr. Patricia Wright’s quest.

If you’ve never seen a movie in a domed IMAX theater, click here to find one that might be near you.

It stretches past your field of vision and makes you feel like you’re inside the bubble of discovery.

I saw Martin Scorsese’s film about the Rolling Stones at the Bristol Omnitheater at the MOST in Syracuse and felt like I was up on stage with Mick and Keith during the concert shots. I saw a movie about the Louisiana bayou and felt like I had to dodge the gators.

If you’d like to read my entire preview on the Syracuse New Times site, click the link below.

Would you rather see superheroes from Marvel or a super hero in Madagascar this weekend? Have you ever seen a film at a domed IMAX theater?

12 thoughts on “Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Dr. Patricia Wright: Heroes in different ways

  1. There was an article April 7 TIME, “The New Age of Heroines: how teenage girls started saving the world”. Buffy Vampire Slayer et al new ones. Gimme a break. These dopey girls don’t measure up to the women of the old comics. These new dopey twits make me puke.


  2. I am like Beth, the way the motions of the IMAX go, I have to either take deep breaths or close my eyes for part of the films. I would enjoy the Lemurs of Madagascar and also, the Avengers. If someone asks me to go to a movie, I go! This will be a fun-filled, ‘rocketing’ weekend for those who go out to the theatres. I am going to have my youngest daughter overnight and we are checking out two of the big winners of awards, we have three to choose from… Wolf of Wall Street, American Hustle, and Dallas Buyers Club. If older daughter is coming we have to include the DBC movie, she likes both Jared Leto (from My So-Called Life t.v. show) and Matthew McConaughey. Great post, Mark!


  3. The last time I went to a movie was when I took some grandkids to see Star Wars, The Beginning. My hearing shut down and didn’t open back up for a month. Now I just wait and buy them the video for a birthday or Christmas gift.


  4. i saw one about transportation – trains, hot air balloons, etc. loved it but almost got motion sick ) also would probably enjoy the critters more than the super heroes, but i do have a love for spiderman and men in tights in general, so i’m open –


  5. We walked up to an IMAX theater in San Antone last Saturday, but my son said his tummy hurt, so we skipped it! I really want to go to one (not to dodge gators).


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