Smile when you say that

Wow, that model does have white teeth.

Wow, that model does have white teeth.

I know that white teeth are in.

All it takes is a look at TV in those spaces between show or sport.

There are little pieces of something or other that you can stick on your teeth to make them whiter, I take it from the commercials. There’s a rinse that will make your smile more dazzling, from what I’ve seen. Google even yields something called a teeth whitening pen.

Me? Twice a year, I go to the dentist and have my teeth cleaned. My wonderful dental hygienist, Joanne, runs a rotating anti-drill around my teeth as a final step. She places a cream on it that tastes somewhat like my Colgate Total toothpaste of choice.

This semi-annual procedure makes me happy. Bye-bye tartar. Hello, smoother surfaces for my tongue to slide around on.

And, I like that level of white.

I do not think I need more.

I may be in the minority.

The white teeth phenomena has gone way past do-it-yourself and semi-annual teeth-cleaning at the dentist.

I know this because I’ve seen the sign.

There is now a club you can join for a mere $19.95 a month. It’s called the Forever White Membership, to a storefront organization by the name of Smile Labs.

It is not a dentist. It is solely a teeth-whitening establishment.

I will not be signing up anytime soon.

Do you think you’ll have a leg up on life if your teeth are a dazzling white? Do you take extraordinary measures to whiten your teeth? Would you sign up for Forever White Membership if there was a Smile Labs near you?

28 thoughts on “Smile when you say that

  1. WHY do we want people staring at our teeth? It makes me feel like there is something stuck there (and there usually is). I want healthy and strong teeth. I will not be joining that club. So, what should I spend $20 a month on????


  2. I used Whitestrips once (with my dentist’s OK) after I got my braces off a few years ago and have been happy ever since. My dentist told me mine won’t get whiter than they are now regardless of what I use and they could start to turn translucent. :-/


  3. They really should have used a black model for that ad. My first thought was politically-correct, of course. I agree that white teeth, almost a fluorescent purple like you can see in blacklight, need to go by the wayside. I say this as I drink my second cup of coffee LOL, staining my pearly whites. But as a person who has sensitive teeth and loss of enamel, I have been told by two dentists that home whitestrips simply rip your enamel off, never to grow back. I would never bleach my teeth. Or skin. Just hair.


    • Twice a year my dental hygienist Joanne peers into my mouth, grabs her instrument of de-sullifation, and mutters to herself, “Coffee drinker.” Or so I imagine. I know she did ask me about that once, Kerbey. Yes, many cups daily.


      • I’m not giving it up. It’s hard enough not to drink Coke, which is my joy. I’ll just have to have old coot grey teeth if that is the price to pay for coffee. I’m glad you get yours cleaned twice yearly; that’s the right thing to do. You know, as I swish nightly with BRIGHT BLUE Listerine, I always wonder how coffee is bad, but blue dye is good. ??


  4. I was at the dentist the other day and a woman was signing up for whitening. I couldn’t see anything wrong with her teeth, but what do I know. The receptionist was describing the different techniques and costs and said we’ve all used them and we found the best was…..because…. I’m with you- I won’t be signing up, ever.


    • When I go to the car wash, I stick with the basic level, too, Irene, and find my car perfectly respectable without the extra five bucks worth of cleaner and polisher. Same principle, I think, Irene.


  5. Like you, I highly enjoy my twice-a-year visits to the dentist, and it’s leaves me content. The other day on Channel 9, Rod was presenting his Consumer Reports segment on all the brands of items saying there are so/too many brands (i.e. toothpastes, cereals and emphasizing the 10+ varieties of Cheerios, ice cream, and chips). There is too much offered to us consumers.

    Especially with whitening toothpastes, how can we tell which is best for us and most effective and where would we begin? When will the reports come out that explain these toothpastes contain unhealthy chemicals?

    Frankly, we have more things to worry about.

    Great observations, Mark!


  6. I’ve heard that slogan before…membership includes a pointy white hat and bed sheet for “meetings,” right? Hard to believe that’s the slogan they went with! And like you I don’t do anything more than visit my dentist regularly to maintain a healthy grin. Sounds like a scam to me.


  7. No, No and No. If the dazzling white teeth are attached to a slob with poor manners, then it will be of no help at all. And a membership? Oh dear. How utterly silly.


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