More signs of Syracuse’s significant snow

Some of you can’t seem to get enough of my snow pictures.

And I live to make my WordPress friends in exotic climes happy. Mind you, compared to Syracuse, N.Y. that’s just about everywhere, but as of this cold February morning, I am talking about those experiencing summer in the Southern Hemisphere or somewhere else where it’s warm during the winter.

That dark slash in the snow is a protest sign. I swear.

That dark slash in the snow is a protest sign. I swear.

On our latest walk around the block in our city neighborhood of Eastwood, Ellie B, aka Dogamous Pyle, and I encountered a couple of go-to-the-iPhone 4 moments.

Above is a house one block over that has the same sign of protest stuck into the front yard for a while now.

It says “No Fracking,” with a red circle and cross-out on it. The theme and wording comes from repeated dog walks, because now the snow is covering all but the very top of the don’t-drill-our-shale sign.

Oh, wouldn't it be wonderful if this were a giant snowman.

Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if this were a giant snowman.

On the same block, we were greeted by this enticing sight.

From a few houses down, I thought somebody had taken the time and spent considerable effort building one tall and wide snowman.

Alas, upon closer inspection, we saw that it was merely plenty of snow piled upon an evergreen tree. Pretty it was, though not nearly as exciting as a corn-cob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of coal would have been.

Ellie B and I continued our frosty walk grinning at that thought.

31 thoughts on “More signs of Syracuse’s significant snow

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  3. I think you should do the proper neighborly thing and rectify this lack of giant-snowman-ness by fashioning it into one. Also, you are a much better dog owner than I. I just chase Zola around the warmth of the indoors for two minutes and call that sufficient exercise for the both of us.


    • This snow tree’s top is 20 feet up, Aussa. I would seriously injure myself climbing the evergreen, or, worse yet, knock all the off and leave it not snow-manly at all. And, yeah, it is so tempting to just open the back porch door and shoo Ellie out into our fenced back yard, but I really do need the walk as much as the dog! Hey, chasing a dog around indoors is good exercise, too, Aussa.


  4. Toward the bottom of that to-be-made big snowman, there seems to be a lip in the snow, and it seems as if it could be an arm/leg/paw. Oh, the possibilities of that pile! Too bad that neighbor didn’t see the potential of that pile of snow. There is still time, however.

    Hope your weekend went well!


    • That neighbor had just got done clearing his driveway and did not seem interested in snowman-making, Chris. I think that pursuit is many decades in his rear view mirror. The Beatles show last night was fab. You shall get the chance to read about it on Wednesday. I hope your weekend has been equally fulfilling.


  5. Thanks, Mark, for this post. It’s reminding me that there’s a giant snowman not too far from me … maybe I’ll manage to take a photo of that before I leave for sunnier climes. Although, that snowman is probably still going to be here when I get back. (sigh)


  6. Earlier this week we had a light “dusting” of snow, but it melted very quickly. Today looks to be a sunny day. This is nice as the past week has been somewhat dreary. Your area has a LOT of snow! It would be hard for me to live in an area that gets that much snow.


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