We saved Hawaii Friday for Drew and Maritza

Nephew Drew had announced on the Family Reunion Facebook chat page a while back that everybody had to reserve our Hawaii Friday for he and his girlfriend Maritza.

No problem.

Once in Kona a few days, we were told that we were all going to a beautiful beach resort 20 or so miles toward Hilo.

Dinner at 4 in the restaurant.

Wedding on the beach to follow.

The surprise was out.


We knew by then how much we adored Maritza. Drew had picked well up there in Alaska.

Looking down at the big day.

When we arrived, my dear wife Karen and I, terrific daughter Elisabeth and fantastic significant George Three spotted our meeting spot way down there. This was a big and beautiful place.

Glad to join you.

Some of the family had already gathered.


Maritza and Drew made the rounds while we ate and socialized.

The couple of the day.

They also made some time for themselves as staff photographer George caught the moment.

At 6, they changed into their wedding clothes.

They were ready to do this.

Yes, they were a relaxed couple.

Follow the leaders.

Their wishes were for all of us to take their lead and wind through the pool veranda …

Onward to the beach.

… until we went down a flight of stairs, across a lawn and onto the sand.

Picture perfect scene.

With Drew’s mom Jana officiating, the setting was storybook.

Smartphone moment.

The family loved it.

Happy couple, indeed.

After reading their hand-written vows, they threw their arms up in joy.

Out they went.

Somebody decided a walk out to the lava rocks was a good idea.

Help your wife up, Drew!

Well, it was slippery.

The gang’s all here.

Spirits remained high.

Our very gracious wedding took George’s camera to capture us all for a post-wedding group shot. So many smiles!

Tuesday: Cool Kona town

18 thoughts on “We saved Hawaii Friday for Drew and Maritza

  1. I love this, br I Mark.. Slight problem with the typing, but hope you can figure it out. Found the poem I was?looking for –the Psalm Of Life by Longfellow! Save you a few hours tomorrow and lets me get some sleep now!


  2. Thanks, everyone! It was a wonderful day, and we were/are thrilled everyone could make it. The perfect day, if you ask me!


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